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2011 nhl stanley cup playoffs bracket

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  • munnu77
    12-12 11:19 AM

    wallpaper nhl playoff bracket 2006 2011 nhl stanley cup playoffs bracket. 2010 NHL PLAYOFF BRACKET RULES

  • ramus
    07-05 02:02 PM
    Can we please stop this discussion and follow some action items...

    Lets stop this now...


    2011 nhl stanley cup playoffs bracket. 2010-2011 Stanley Cup Playoffs
  • 2010-2011 Stanley Cup Playoffs

  • ita
    02-01 11:33 AM
    That's fine ..To show that we are in status form the last non-immigrant visa entry to 485 filing stage should we have our monthly stubs or will W2 be sufficient? I'm afraid I've some misplaced. Again thank you very much for your responses.

    >> Thank you very much for the response. I sent you a PM.
    I don't respond to Private Messages. If you have questions for me and would like to get my opinion on it, please post in forums here.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin

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  • While the Stanley Cup Finals

  • Dhundhun
    07-13 11:48 PM
    I read somewhere that now all the applications - 485/EAD/AP, for one particular applicant, are adjudicated by the same officer. This is a new process change to improve efficiency. I think the article I read indicated that it was already working that way at TSC.

    Unfortunately, i don't have the link, but I will post it if i come across it.

    My case (I485) is with NSC. The e-filed EAD renewal also got LIN number, but (may be due to load distribution) it is being handled by MSC.

    Does this imply everything will be handled by MSC instead of TSC? I think source article is needed to analyze, what is happening.


    2011 nhl stanley cup playoffs bracket. the 2011 NHL Stanley Cup
  • the 2011 NHL Stanley Cup

  • pappu
    12-25 06:50 PM
    If you create groups on yahoo or google make sure you do not miss out on members that come to this thread for updates on state chapter and wish to join.

    2011 nhl stanley cup playoffs bracket. NHL Playoff Bracket Challenge
  • NHL Playoff Bracket Challenge

  • anurakt
    12-27 10:56 AM
    US Passport Holders: Not required
    Indian Passport Holders: Required*

    If your transit time is less then 6 hours and you hold a valid US VISA or Green card, you do not require a transit VISA.

    * No airport transit VISA is required, if your tranit time is less than 6 hours and you are holder of USA Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) or a valid permanent resident permit in any of the countries of the European Union or a residence permit in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Monaco, Andorra, the Holy See, San-Marino, Canada or Japan. (if your layover is more than 6 hours, you need a transit VISA even if you have the permanent residence permit for any of the countries mentioned above).

    * No Airport Transit Visa is required if your transit time is less than 6 hours and you hold a valid USA visa in the passport and confirmed airline tickets (no open tickets) for these nationalities only (if your layover is more than 6 hours you need a transit VISA even if you have valid US VISA).

    For more information on VISA / transit VISA requirements, please visit the official website of French consulate/embassy.


    US Passport Holders: Not required
    Indian Passport Holders: Required*


    If you hold
    a residence title of a member state of the European Union or a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA, i.e. Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) or
    a residence permit of Andorra, Japan, Canada, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland or the USA you do not need a transit visa.
    Airport transit travelers who are holding a valid visa for the USA (an approval notice is not sufficient), Canada or Switzerland, are not obliged to obtain an airport transit visa prior to departure. Until further notice for these travelers a "visa on arrival" will be issued by the competent authorities at the respective airport in Germany and no specific action is required from them to obtain an airport transit visa.

    If you are still in doubt whether you need an airport transit visa, do not hesitate to call the German mission which serves your place of residence in the US.

    For more information on VISA / transit VISA requirements, please visit the official website of German consulate/embassy.

    Address / Contact numbers in USA
    There are many offices spread across different states in USA. To check the address, contact numbers, email address, working hours, etc., please click the below given URL.



    US Passport Holders: Not required
    Indian Passport Holders: Not Required

    For more information on VISA / transit VISA requirements, please visit the official website of Italian consulate/embassy. http://www.italconschicago.org

    Address / Contact numbers in USA

    CHICAGO - Consolato Generale d'Italia Tel.: 312 467 1550
    500 North Michigan Ave - Suite 1850 Fax : 312 467 1335
    CHICAGO IL 60611
    e-mail: chicago.visa@itwash.org

    DENVER - Vice Consolato Onorario Tel.: 303 224 9927
    7325 So. Jackson St. Fax : 303 224 9930
    Centennial, CO 80122
    Vice Console Onorario - Maria Elisabetta ALLEN
    e-mail: italyconsulcolo@email.msn.com

    KANSAS CITY - Vice Consolato Onorario Tel.: 913 281 2222
    New Brotherhood Building Fax : 913 321 6525
    753 State Avenue, Suite 102
    KANSAS CITY KS 66101
    Vice Console Onorario- Roberto L. SERRA
    e-mail: RSerra@wycokck.org

    ST. PAUL - Consolato Onorario Tel./Fax: 651- 641- 0207
    1844 Portland Avenue
    ST PAUL MN 55104
    Console Onorario - Jane Calabria McPeak
    e-mail: jcm4@comcast.net

    ST. LOUIS - Vice Consolato Onorario Tel.: 314 259 2413
    Bryan Cave LLP Voice Mail: 314 259 2008
    One Metropolitan Square , Suite 3600
    211 North Broadway
    ST. LOUIS MO 63102
    Vice Console Onorario - Joseph COLAGIOVANNI
    e-mail: jcolagiovanni@bryancavellp.com

    Consular Correspondents:

    2825 North Colonial Drive
    MILWAUKEE WI 53208
    Tel. (414) 475-5120

    IOWA - Nicholas CRITELLI
    317 Sixth Avenue, suite 500
    Tel. (515) 243-3122
    Fax (515) 243-3121

    500 E. Monroe St.
    Springfield, IL 62701-1509
    Tel. (217) 782-3000
    Fax (217) 558-4297
    email: JBucari@bre.state.il.us

    * It is the responsibility of all travelers to obtain any required visas and travel permissions. I recommend all travelers check with the airline they are flying regarding applicable Transit and Visa Rules for the country they are transiting through. Immigrationvoice or myslef will NOT be responsible for any traveler being denied boarding on account of incorrect documentation.


    2011 nhl stanley cup playoffs bracket. 2011 NHL Playoffs Stanley Cup
  • 2011 NHL Playoffs Stanley Cup

  • nomi
    12-12 10:19 AM
    Nobody knows whether congressional action is needed to allow I-485 to be filed during retrogression?

    Look, No body know about it. I think we should contact with some law firm in order to find it out from some reliable sources.

    One more thing is what how does USCIS start retrogression. There is no law about it either. This is something USCIs start by it self using "New Rule" option.

    I think Core team should look into it. Since we spend so much energy to calling all Senators and we all know the results.

    USCIS can allow to file I-485 or they can make some rule without going congress.

    Correct me if I am wrong but there is some light in this path for us if we seriously fellow it.

    what do you guys think about it ??


    2010 2010-2011 Stanley Cup Playoffs 2011 nhl stanley cup playoffs bracket. 2011 Stanley Cup Playoffs
  • 2011 Stanley Cup Playoffs

  • bobzibub
    07-17 10:34 AM

    On an H1b? THEN PAY NO TAX!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!

    All their "research" is suspect, this is just the most obvious. I did start building spreadsheets to regress employment/unemployment numbers with each immigration law they cite. There was no significant correlation. I should really do that again and post it somewhere.... Gotta get some better regression software though. Work like this will point out that the king has no clothes.

    I'm ashamed to be a member of numbersUSA!!! :D



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  • 2007 NHL playoff bracket

  • looivy
    06-11 10:36 PM
    Emaied IL senator and will snail mail as well. Same for my spouse.

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  • mallu
    02-16 03:00 PM
    2006 census

    Total population of India,china, mexico and Philipines = about 40 % of world population

    India - 17% of world Population
    China- 20% of world population
    Mexico- 1.7
    Phillipines-1.3 %
    Ttl 40 % of world population.

    so theres a reason behind this quota. Its not divide and rule.

    Excluding US (4.3) , ICMP Still comprise of 35.7 % of world total

    What is the % of chinese, Indians in USA ?


    2011 nhl stanley cup playoffs bracket. The Stanley Cup Playoffs may
  • The Stanley Cup Playoffs may

  • invincibleasian
    01-27 10:19 PM
    The country caps ensure equal distribution of immigrants from all parts of the world and not only the countries which have poured in immigrants in the last few decades.

    hot the 2011 NHL Stanley Cup 2011 nhl stanley cup playoffs bracket. 2011 Stanley Cup playoffs
  • 2011 Stanley Cup playoffs

  • senthil1
    02-04 12:58 PM
    Most of your points are ok. But someone has to arrive with a calculation that how much improvement will EB3 get. If it is atleast 2 years then the time and money spent may be Ok. I am sure EB2 will get a very big benefit and I doubt EB3 will get much benefit. My assumption may be wrong. If it is ok even for small benefit we can go ahead with this campaign as the main aim is to remove unfairness in law.

    I have to say that I am a bit ticked off by your ignorance. Did not expect this from someone who has been a long time member. You should have thought it through. See my response below.


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  • Tag: 2011 nhl playoffs

  • GCKaMaara
    03-12 12:27 PM
    gckaMara.... i love u for volunteering me for doing something.... not sure what..... but that's ok.....

    btw.... greyhair is just giving excuses...... but u look like someone who cares.... y r u not a donor....

    I made it very clear even in past. I am more rational kinda guy. I want to know where my money is spent at high level - no details. I know its against IV policy. So I admire what IV is doing, I appreciate donor only forum but not contributing yet. May be I am wrong being too hard to be convinced. I will think over.

    n.b.: Yes, I do follow all action items including calling and faxing. I think everybody does this so needless to mention.

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  • abhijitp
    03-25 12:14 PM
    Bumping up!
    Folks from North CA, please volunteer for the Advocacy Days! We still have a couple of sponsors waiting to help you.


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  • the 2011 NHL Stanley Cup

  • seahawks
    10-26 09:58 PM
    bump, action item, please notarize and mail. Please keep this thread active!

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  • tikka
    07-05 02:11 PM
    posted on a diff thread...

    Made my first financial contribution to IV today. I believe now is the time for action, on multiple fronts...and am ready to do some serious volunteer work for IV. Who should I talk to?

    Contributed $100 so far...

    thank you for your contribution... :)


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  • NHL Playoffs began last night

  • pappu
    07-23 10:36 PM
    May be I asked you same question before.
    What is the best way to send to CIS when receipt notice is not received yet.
    When you said reject, what do you mean?
    Will CIS reject before issuing RN or after issuing RN?
    - Which receipt notice? 140?
    - I meant denial.
    - After issuing RN and later during adjucation process.

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  • 2011 Stanley Cup Playoffs

  • harish
    05-20 10:30 PM
    Congratulations Harish! Btw, Googler is a her not a his. :)

    Googler -- Thanks a lot! Apologize for the assumption....my mistake!

    Here is a cross-reference to my other post with the case updates...http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showpost.php?p=249686&postcount=85.

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  • satishku_2000
    12-20 04:19 PM
    May be hilarious for you, not for me. You would understand the situation if you were in my shoes.

    Please just dont worry about it too much , there are also chances that you may not get an RFE. There are chances that you may get an RFE but you dont know what USCIS will ask from you. You need to have RFE in hand to prepare response for that.

    11-20 10:54 PM
    Today I got the second letter from USCIS regarding this request. The letter says they accepted the request and put in the pending que.

    Also the letter says, "your request is deemed to constitute an agreement to pay any fees that may be chargeable up to $25.00" and continues and finally it says "most requests do not require any fees and if fees in excess of $25.00 are required, we will notify you beforehand"

    Jusy wondering any one got this reply..

    02-13 12:49 PM
    It is an item on the organization's agenda.

    Both for USCIS and BECs to show some transparency. More posts mean more attention, but the posts are made by 800 members and majority of them are stuck in Dallas and Philly BECs or waiting for 485 to be filed so that they can get portability benefit beyond 6th year.

    That is much more important than speed of 485 processing. It is on the agenda of the org but the reason you dont see those posts is because its not a problem yet for the majority on this forum. That's just how it works. First things first. You dont find people on student visas worried about Labor backlogs coz they need to find H1 first. You dont find people stuck in labor worried about retrogression coz they need to get their labor approved first without which retrogression or no-retrogression makes no difference to them.

    I agree with your idea and understand that USCIS handling of 485 is a serious issue, just trying to explain why you dont see too many posts here for that issue.

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