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    04-13 11:18 AM

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  • getgc2008
    07-24 06:10 PM
    applied to NSC on June 10th and got 2 yr ead yesterday.

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  • fundo14
    02-21 01:42 AM
    No. I am not an employee of any of the companies named in H1B visa fraud last week. The current employer is my the sponserer of my H1 B visa and also my first employer . I did not change my employer.

    This does sound strange, do you know what was the reason for this officer's visit to your employer two months back? also, i would suggest make sure all your paper work is fine, I mean LCA etc. indicating your correct place of work and right wages.

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  • jasguild
    07-17 10:34 AM
    I agree with everybody on this thread. I agree this solution ( if any) will be a band aid. I also agree the band-aid is needed to prevent the wound from becoming fetid. I agree this may exacerbate problems.

    For all these reasons, it is imperative we do not stop after this anouncement. Our long term goal has to be retrogression relief in one form or the other, including all or some of recapture of unused visas, increase in annual quota, resolution of the FBI name chack black hole, and more that able persons in IV can doubtless think of better than yours truly.

    I, for one, am going to be a member of IV long after this anouncement.

    WELL SAID!!!

    The only thing I would like to add is, when we eventually get our GC, lets not forget those behind us!



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  • Drifter
    04-01 06:18 PM
    I am in serious trouble, please read and comment if you can help.

    - Spouse (Primary) and I filed I 485 in June 2007. (PD March 2004)
    - Spouse Application is approved in July 2008
    - Spouse changes employers after approval
    - In October 08 we write to the law firm that initially filed the I 485 to withdraw their representation.
    - In Nov 08 the Law firm incorrectly writes to USCIS to with draw the I 485 application.
    - In March 08 I get an email from USCIS stating my application is withdrawn.

    I obtained the notice of withdrawal and the notice says
    'As a result of your request, your application is considered withdrawn, and it will recieve no further consideration by USCIS. There is no appeal to this decision.'
    Neither I nor my wife have authorized the attorney to withdraw the application, we only wanted them to withdraw their representation (I have the letter we wrote to them and it clearly states it.)

    what can we do.
    Is it possible to reinstate our case?
    Can we refile my AOS again, even thought the primary applicants green card is approved more than 6 months ago?

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  • gapala
    02-12 11:49 PM
    Unfortunately IRS doesn't help.. And employer get benefit of doubt for lost mail :-) But they'll send you a form to fill and submit instead of W2... At least thats what I experienced... I also thought that employer cannot withold W2.. But yes, they can... due to lost mail concept :-) They'd send W2 copy to IRS without fail.. just the mail to employee would be lost...

    That reason if not genuine would be a lie and its a crime especially when it comes to tax matters and uncle sam is involved. I was advised by a atorney to file a complaint and in my case the customer care at IRS contacted the company HR directly.


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  • lordoftherings
    07-16 11:38 PM
    Just imagine what will happen to the market flooded with EADs. Job market for H1Bs will totally be down. No US companies will hire H1Bs if they get somebody with an EAD. Tonnes of Junior developers and S/W testers will in the market driving the billing rates down even further. It's better to pack up and leave. I have heard from one of the forums here that an estimated 500K people will file this month since all PDs are current. EB-3 mexico + phillipines togther alone will be close to 300K. God help the Job market.

    Also minimum wait time will be 500K/140K ~ 4 yrs before they get to process your GC. Add to that the time for namecheck backlog 2+ yrs. So total 6+ yrs before getting GC........


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  • India_USA
    04-21 01:46 PM
    Scott Washburn: New Immigration Bill Not Going to Fix What Ails Arizona (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/scott-washburn/new-immigration-bill-not_b_544944.html)

    Arizona is at ground zero of our broken immigration system.
    People are frustrated and want action.

    Action feels good. We see a problem and we want to fix it. We write and pass laws that seem like they'll do the trick: punish people who break our laws; deport people who don't belong here. Except sometimes what looks good and feels good, isn't always good. We end up with reactionary laws that waste precious resources and do nothing to address the source of the problem.

    If signed into law, the bill would shift the burden of enforcing immigration laws onto the shoulders of cash-strapped local police departments who cannot afford unfunded enforcement-only mandates. It would exacerbate community tensions and undermine community policing and public safety by making immigrants afraid to cooperate in police investigations.

    Most tragic of all, the state would be forced to waste millions to defend itself against the civil rights lawsuits that will rightfully follow. Similar ill-advised anti-immigrant laws in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Texas have been struck down by the courts at great expense to taxpayers. With a record budget deficit, does Arizona really need to spend another dime on enforcement strategies that will do nothing to solve our immigration crisis?


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  • chanduv23
    03-11 04:34 PM
    "non answer" meant they didn't answer his questions but rather gave some vague reply of how h-1 was good for usa.

    If I was on the receivng end of that response; I would have thought that these guys are playing with me and by not answering the quesitons; then they are obviously trying to hide something. Therefore, I will attack them in another way to make them conform to the behaviour I want.

    MSFT do not abuse h1b visa - they maintain their pay scales and follow all rules. When they say they want h1b visa quota available it basically means - they do not want to turn away a talented candidate because of lack of visa. All these companies are genuine in their usage. So they can definitely give a proper response.

    Now for a company like INFY. WIPRO, etc.. - h1b, l1b etc.. is a part of their business modal. They need some visa to bring people in and out as it is a big part of their business. If they really were serious - they must have presented their case and also work with US govt for a different kind of visa that allows them to do their business by convincing the govts about trade etc...

    Now comes the consulting companies. There are companies that genuinely bring people and rotate them at various clients for projects and people stick to them till green card. But due to sheer greed - some of these have abused the system - they have absolutely no sympathy for their acts of greed. The max they can do is threaten, usse small time lawyers, cancel pay, write letters to USCIS to cancel 140 etc... do you expect them to give a proper response to the Senators?

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  • drona
    08-28 06:00 PM
    I have sent you a PM.


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  • CADude
    07-27 05:25 PM
    Good one!!

    Read the two stories for break.


    One afternoon a lawyer was riding in his limousine
    when he saw two men along the roadside eating grass.
    Disturbed, he ordered his driver to stop and he got
    out to investigate.

    He asked one man, "Why are you eating grass?"

    "We don't have any money for food," the poor man
    replied. "We have to eat grass."

    "Well, then, you can come with me to my house and I'll
    feed you," the lawyer said.

    "But sir, I have a wife and two children with me. They
    are over there, under that tree."

    "Bring them along," the lawyer replied. Turning to the
    other poor man he stated,

    "You come with us, too."

    The second man, in a pitiful voice, then said, "But
    sir, I also have a wife and SIX children with me!"

    "Bring them all, as well," the lawyer answered.

    They all entered the car, which was no easy task, even
    for a car as large as the limousine was.

    Once underway, one of the poor fellows turned to the
    lawyer and said, "Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for
    taking all of us with you."

    The lawyer replied, "Glad to do it. You'll really love
    my place. The grass is almost a foot high

    STORY 2:

    Mom comes to visit her son Kumar for dinner.....who lives with a girl
    roommate Sunita. During the course of the meal, his mother couldn't
    help but notice how pretty Kumar's roommate was. She had long been
    suspicious of a relationship between the two, and this had only made her more

    Over the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, she
    started to wonder if there was more between Kumar and his roommate than
    met the eye.

    Reading his mom's thoughts, Kumar volunteered, "I know what you must be
    thinking, but I assure you, Sunita and I are just roommates." About a
    week later, Sunita came to Kumar saying, "Ever since your mother came to
    dinner, I've been unable to find the silver plate. You don't suppose
    she took it, do you?" Kumar said,"Well, I doubt it, but I'll email her, just to be sure."

    So he sat down and wrote :

    Dear Mother:

    I'm not saying that you 'did' take the silver plate from my house, I'm
    not saying that you 'did not' take the silver plate.. But the fact remains
    that it has been missing ever since you were here for dinner.

    Love, Kumar

    Several days later, Kumar received an email from his Mother which read

    Dear Son:

    I'm not saying that you 'do' sleep with Sunita, and I'm not saying that
    you 'do not' sleep with Sunita. But the fact remains that if she was
    sleeping in her OWN bed, she would have found the silver plate by now
    under the pillow...


    Lesson of the day:
    Don't Lie to Your Mother...........especially if she is Indian !

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  • radosav
    04-02 03:38 AM
    also just now sent fax # 11


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  • TwinkleM
    07-15 02:29 AM
    Applied for H1B. We already have the H1B approval notices. We also have EAD/AP. Still we got dragged into this.

    The H1B sponsoring company is a large and famous Biopharma company with billions in market cap. AOS is also through the I-140 from that company.

    Everything is way above board for us. Still we got stuck!

    Can you please let know, where is the passport stuck? What country & which consulate.

    Also, was this for new H1 B visa or transfer? If new, I assume, it is not first one, am I right?

    Thanx in Advance

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  • Ramba
    08-07 06:04 PM
    Can you back date your marriage during marriage registration?

    This is called fraud. Dont advise fradulnant practice. If they find, the sufferer is not you.

    Student visa also is not an ideal option. If consulate finds that the spouse is a LPR, they will deny the student visa, as student visa is a pure non-immigrant visa.


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  • mannubhai
    06-16 10:45 PM
    This is a really good initiative. I appreciate the IV core for taking this up. I have read enough stories from people on Murthy forums. I will ask people on those forums to post their stories first hand on IV forums.

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  • tdasara
    01-31 03:16 PM
    Well $900 for 485 includes AP/EAD (unlimited) and this would avoid the hazzle of renewing it with fee every year.


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  • msekhargc
    12-03 05:30 PM

    You need to submit a new education evaluation.

    I had also received an RFE.

    An acceptable evaluation must:
    1) consider formal eduction only
    2) state if collegiate eduction is post-secondary education (i.e did appicant complete the US equivalant high school before entering college)
    3) provide detailed explanation of material provided

    For EB2 degree.. even if your labor states only Masters degree is required you need to prove that minimum education required for master's degree is Bachelors degree and a minimum requirement for Bachelors degree is your 10 + 2 high school education. Please contact thedegreepeople.com (sheila), they helped me in getting my I-140 approved.


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  • javaconsultant
    02-04 11:18 AM
    Good job guys !
    Keep it up.

    Please read on:

    Meeting Notes :
    Meeting with Lauren Hole, Field Representative of Rep.George Miller (Concord).

    A group from CALIFORNIA Met with Lauren. She was not aware of the EB based GC process. So we updated her on the process and the issues. She patiently listened to us for an hour. She said she would bring it up with her counterparts in Washington, but was not sure if she would be heard on this. When asked what we could do to make us heard, she said " Just continue what you are doing.. Contact your local Congress persons".

    Meeting with Luis Quinonez and Pepei Yu, Field Reps at Rep. Barbara Lee ( Oakland).

    This meeting went very well, because both of them knew very well what the issues are with the Labor BECs and with the Retrogression. They also knew about all the bills around the immigration. They had gone through the IV web site and also the brochure.

    They were very sympathetic to our cause and said "Barbara Lee is on your side. And we understand all your problems and we are with you in asking for these reforms". They gave us some specific action plans:

    Get a few people who live in Oakland to write to B.Lee's office stating that :
    They live in such and such address (should be within the Oakland congressional district)
    Their case details with case number.
    That they represent Immigration Voice which has several x number of members who are similarly affected.
    State our cause (goals) and request that Rep. Barbara Lee should please consider / vote favorable for our case.
    Pepei Yu mentioned that if they get these letters, it gets filed and entered into a database and is seen by the Congresswoman. So, we have to draft the letter and get about 10 �20 people in the Oakland Congressional District to do this. Please get your contacts or friends to do this.

    Pepei Yu also educated us that the Congressman / woman can only look into matters of their own Congressional District . It is considered federal felony if they engage in interests of other dicstricts. So she said it is very important that we get people to appeal to the Congress person of their own district. The Congress person they should contact is the one that governs the place where they live (not the place where they work). She suggested that we make a template of the letter and use it across the country replacing our names and the Congresspersons name as appropriate. Both Luis and Pepei stroingly encouraged us to do this across the country and mentioned that this was a sure way of reaching out and making our voice heard.

    3. They were very helpful and suggested that we keep in contact with them to monitor these issues. They also offered to let us know when they may have someone from the USCIS or other such Immigration related authorities addressing open forums.

    They strongly suggested that we get in touch with Senator Feinstein (they provided a contact) and also get in touch with every congress person in the area (Bay Area) � esp those that are Moderate Democrats. The thinking was that it may be easier to get the moderates over to our view point rather than people who are totally against immigration.

    11-06 12:16 PM
    Sometime this month!!

    Thanks for nothing! You must be an analyst - providing absolutely accurate but totally useless information!:D

    07-27 08:16 PM
    the pattern analysis is wrong.

    the links to 13th & 27th are not working, only 06th & 20th are.

    so, its every other friday, so it will be posted on Aug3rd.

    btw, thats so funny about 'dead meat on finger... and concern about finger print...' great stuff i was LOL...


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