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  • satish_hello
    08-23 10:28 PM
    Ok..., but can you tell me how they are approving cses for PD EB3'2003 or Any EB3 cases daily, when EB3 is 'U', do you have answer for this.

    Since ther is plenty of approval going on everyday.

    They are not following any PD for the last 3-months approval, I don't believe any rule they have.Now they are already under pressure , and the pressure started already.They have to clean up.I don't think they will wait untill next year June, since Election is on Sept'2008.

    EB2/PD-Sept'2004/I-140 Approved.
    I-485 - Sent July5th.
    RD - ?
    AD -?
    Edit/Delete Message

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  • AUG2005GC
    08-22 12:02 AM
    I was able to successfully port my EB3 to EB2 and received my GC last month. I am working for a mid-size American consulting firm. My background is Bachelors in Computers from India and did Masters in Computers from US.

    I filed my EB3 labor in AUG 2005 and got both labor and I140 approved in two months.
    Filed 485 in July 2007 & got EAD/AP.

    Went to my Employer and requested them to either refile my application for EB2 or I will have to resign. Since I was already working as PM, it was easy for my Employer to file for EB2 for PM position.

    Filed EB2 labor in March 2009, Got approved in Jan 2010
    Got EB2 I140 approved in March 2010
    Late March Case transferred to Local Office.
    Personal Interview in May 2010 - IO was not sure why i was called for interview. No Questions asked and told to wait till date gets current.
    Date got current in July.
    - Call multiple times 800 number only standard response
    - Went to local office and request update. IO told to wait for a week. 2 days later on 14th July got my GC approved.

    I believe even if you get your GC 6 months early by porting dates, its worth it. I hope my story helps you.

    Best Luck!

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  • pointlesswait
    01-04 09:27 AM
    well..if he converts to a Mormon and moves to Iowa..he can have many wifes:D

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  • Libra
    07-17 10:01 AM
    I am still not able to see, can you tell me what dates I-140 advanced degree are being processed.

    This is what I see:

    "U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
    Nebraska Service Center Service Center Processing Dates
    Posted July 16, 2007 "


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  • buddyinsd
    10-28 01:49 AM
    Mr. Murthy didn't bring out the message correctly. If you read clearly his message is directed towards state govts which dont provide infrastructure and mandatory English as education. So, I think he meant that as long as state govts act upon giving good infrastructure and mandatory English, young talent will remain in India.

    But r the bloody politicians listening?

    The man is worth $1.6 billion and need not resort to such cheap gimmicks and hez no longer the chief of Infosys. And the guy who cant interpret a simple message and calling it a gimmick whoz he? Some small time programmer sitting in a corner typing stuff about Infosys/gimmicks???--- LOL. Give the revolutionary businessman some respect will ya?

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  • eb3retro
    09-19 03:08 PM
    Ok, I've seen a lot of threads about go to the rally, actions items, I've reading a lot of guys saying dont ask for your receipt status, dont waste your time etc, etc.

    Yes we did the rally we were great with all those signs, and appearing in the Indy TV but...

    Question remains open:

    1. When are they going to increase the GC quota?
    2. When congress id going to do something?

    I've the feeling that that's it we made our point but we are still with no GC, waiting receipts..............

    sorry i have to ask you this question, (after seeing your post), did you attend the rally??


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  • tabletpc
    09-24 12:13 PM
    u r PD is March 2006, when was it current...???

    In case u r GC got approved while u r PD was current then, sorry to say as for as my knwoledge goes, you may not have much option other than bringing u r spouse on F1/L1/H1.

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  • admin
    02-21 01:47 PM
    Great point arihant. What all of us have to remember is that even if we don't have voting powers, if we can prove that it is in the interest to USA to change these antiquated laws, the lawmakers will act. That is precisely what we are doing currently with the help of QGA.


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  • sanju
    10-22 04:56 PM
    Hey 12 year old Sissy, by any chance is Chris Hansen with you today? I am scared talking with you because I don’t want to talk to 12 year old sissy who has been told not to talk to strangers. Remember what I am talking about :rolleyes:

    Anyways, your "assumption" that majority of people are against reputation system is not correct. We see these threads occasionally but it seems almost everyone give reputations. If you are against a system and you have a choice not to participate in the system, would you still participate even if you hate it and can chose not to participate? The participation of almost everyone is a testimony to the fact that majority opinion is not against reputation system.

    As far as -ve personal messages are concerned, you have the choice not to look at it. Why not exercise that "choice" and not put the burden on someone else for leaving you an obnoxious message. Its like you are searching for bad information about yourself and as soon as you find something, you start complaining about it. Good that people cannot look into the mind of everyone else otherwise you will ask some mechanism to erase those "wrong" thoughts from their brain. I mean is there an end to this thing?

    Have you heard of the word - Hypocrisy. Well, that’s that I am calling here. Why do you keep looking at your reputation and -ve messages if you don't care about it? And if you don't care about your reputation then why you continue to look at it every minute, and complain about it. Either you care or you don’t. It can’t be bother at the same time. And I am choosing to express my opinion for this senseless behavior as it irritates me. I hope you agree that I can make that "choice" to express, I mean you may want to check with Chris Hansen before saying "yes".

    Good points Sanju we should weigh the +s and the -s of the rep system, however you are missing the core of the complaints. Which is that people giving reds are usually (though not always) doing it as a personal attack (you suck, F*'s etc.), whereas every green that one receives is usually on subject matter (I have not seen a "you stud"!! kind of +ve reps ;) ).

    Also, what it wrong for people to complain about the system? If people have the right to give reds, why shouldn't the forum be allowed to complain about it? And if the popular opinion is against it, then the system can be dismantled.

    At both ends (the extreme left and the right) it is always "my way or the highway". Neither one recognizes that there are people with different view points, and that everyone should be given an opportunity to air their own views (live a life of their choosing etc.).

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  • mbartosik
    02-12 05:12 PM
    Many states are "employment at will" states. This includes NY. You can say good bye that day and not turn up again (works both ways). Did you have leave owing and thus were simply using up paid leave before leaving him. If you did not sign a no-compete he doesn't have a leg to stand on, and even if you did no-compete contracts are often unenforceable because they go too far.

    If you left without telling him and continued to draw salary that could be a problem.

    If you are working for a customer that he still does business with, then speak with your managers. If you have a good relationship there the managers may put pressure on him -- like threaten to cancel his remaining contracts.

    IRS explains in their FAQ what to do if you cannot get W2 (linked to earlier in this thread I think). DO NOT PAY A PENNY FOR IT! Do not accept an incorrect W2 either!

    Better still go to a local IRS office and get advice. If you get a helpful IRS customer service rep, then ask to call your employer on a speaker phone with them present, imagine what IRS might do to him if they hear him on the phone attempting to blackmail you! I hear major audit coming! Or ask IRS to phone him there and then on your behalf, so they can ask for the W2 to be sent. If he dares tell them he won't send it he will find himself in a world of pain. The IRS do have a procedure, so they will likely send a demanding letter, woe is he who ignores such a letter.

    Personally I would rather pick an argument with a police officer than an IRS representative. IRS has much more power put him in a world of pain than any other agency.

    Customer service people are humans too, and I've found IRS customer service helpful before, be polite and they will advice they are going to hate the idea of someone being blackmailed for a W2, you might even "make their day".


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  • eagerr2i
    12-04 03:57 PM
    This appeared in todays Business Standard Newspaper in India. Atleast, the issue came up for discussion.

    Here it is.

    The United States today indicated that it was willing to consider setting up of a joint technical working group to address the issues coming in the way of finalising a totalisation agreement with India.

    New Delhi, on its part, has made it clear that it is not agreeable to the US stance of linking the requirement for a social security net as a precursor to finalising the agreement. India also made clear that it was adopting a calibrated approach to further opening up of the retail and financial services sector.

    Indians working in the US have to mandatorily contribute to social security benefits but are unable to repatriate the same when they leave the US, in the absence of a totalisation agreement between the two countries.

    The issue was discussed at a meeting of US Under Secretary for International Trade Franklin Lavin and Commerce Secretary G K Pillai in the capital. Commerce ministry officials said the Indian side pointed out that New Delhi had signed totalisation agreements with countries like Belgium and France, which had not set any pre-conditions.

    “It was pointed out that India, which is a developing country, effectively gives a grant of $500 million to the US in the absence of a totalisation agreement. The US has indicated that it will soon have a video conferencing on the matter with senior Indian officials,” an official said.

    In response to the US demand for further opening up of the financial services sector, the commerce ministry pointed out that India was adopting a calibrated approach on the matter.

    “It was pointed out that the Reserve Bank of India has finalised a road map for the gradual opening up of the sector by 2008,” an official said, adding that New Delhi raised the issue of absence of a level-playing field for financial institutions in the US.

    “A foreign bank wanting to open more branches in India only needs to obtain the permission of the Reserve bank of India. However, an Indian bank wanting to open up branches in the US has to go through the American federal system and then a state regulatory system,” an official said.

    Banks like State Bank of India and ICICI have long pending applications for opening more branches in the US.

    India also raised the issue of extending protection to its traditional knowledge under the patent regime in the US.

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  • helloh1
    01-27 01:35 PM
    Jaihind...thats really unethical. Its sad to hear such experiences.
    Although I cant help you...I really wish you good luck.


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  • knacath
    08-20 02:15 PM
    Expedite request approved yesterday. Hopeful.....

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  • NO_Free_Rider
    10-11 10:58 PM
    My labor approved from PBEC (PD May 2003-EB3 India) on Aug 20!

    Yes, and I hear only EAD, AP, spouse' FP etc in this forum now.

    I missed the date by just a week:( .Not sure what to do here . People on the forum seems to be concerned about Fingerprinting and getting EAD's only .


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  • laborday
    07-17 09:37 AM
    OH no, I'm scared to go look. But I'll do it anyways :(


    Grrrr your first post and you messed it up. It says it's still on the June 18 update. This is July.
    It is not. You may need to refresh your page.


    I wonder people never leave a chance to bully (just because it was my first post)

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  • phanta
    07-14 12:58 PM
    - How has greencard changed your life after receiving it?
    - What did you do on the day you received it?
    - How did the long wait upset your life?
    - How did immigrationvoice help you during this long wait?
    - Would you like to continue your support to immigration voice and help others waiting?

    I got my GC after 6 years of application and 10 years arrival. Initially the GC was not a goal, probably a mistake.Later on it felt like it was hampering my dreams. With the passage of some more time, realized that dreams were not really dependent on the GC, but it was a nice crutch. Getting the GC does bring about some stability brought about by the job flexibility, but the lack of one did not prevent me from changing jobs, marrying, having kids, buying a home, or searching for better opportunities. I really can't say, I lost a good opportunity because I did not have a GC, but I did use it as an excuse.
    Nevertheless, not a look a gift horse in the mouth, the GC was a much awaited event and milestone. I am now officially an immigrant, and I did open a champagne bottle on that day and have a dinner out with the family.

    - Any advice for everyone?
    It is easy to give this, since it would no longer apply to me, nevertheless, I would advice one to plan one's life without the feeling of entitlement and the understanding that the GC in itself will not change your life by a whole lot(it will have a lot of impact for some, but on average, lives for most will go on) . The ability to take risks, plan for risks and to compromise is independent of it. If not GC, then something else will replace it. So don't fret, fume or drown in sorrow, it will happen in time, with a constant plod towards the goal.


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  • Macaca
    09-01 10:17 PM
    Based on this, GC holders with 40 work credits (that is, 10 years of US work experience) and reside in any of the 50 US states are eligible for SS, if they satisfy age and other requirements.

    It is possible that the the articles I read assumed that it will take 10 years to get citizenship. I have read this remark more then once.

    I will not be able locate the articles but keep in mind in the following articles. I have put a question mark on my original post.

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  • Almond
    07-17 10:11 AM
    September 14, 2006

    Will you please tell me what date the I 765 "Based on a pending I-485 adjustment application [(c)(9)]" they're on? Thanks

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  • coloniel60
    08-15 03:26 PM
    I have just called USCIS and spoke to very good and friendly lady IO. She has told me that in case if our applications is rejected for any reason due to lack of intial evidence,less amount of check or any other reason they will send a notice for re-submittal of application.

    Yeah right! We should start a poll to see how many believe this.

    01-27 12:11 AM
    However, the offer letter has a clause that is a bit strange and raised some doubts in my mind. Experienced people please comment and let me know if it has a risky hidden meaning. Please note I am not going to take any trainings and would start to work immediately with one of their clients. The clause goes like this.

    No problem these bonds etc clauses are unenforcable in court and
    only act as deterrant against people leaving. Its a dog that barks not bites.
    So you can sign and start working. Even teh good consultant have these types of clauses.

    Mine one also had that , however they were good employer

    08-06 07:14 PM

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