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  • wantMyGC
    07-14 07:27 PM
    http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/content/jul2007/db20070713_687551.htm?chan=top+news_top+news+index _businessweek+exclusives

    The Gandhi Protests
    Denied the permanent U.S. residency they'd been promised, high-skilled workers are taking to the streets in nonviolent protest

    Engineers, computer programmers, and tech workers aren't known for outspoken collective action and political protest. But on July 14, up to 1,000 high-skilled, legal immigrants will gather in San Jose, Calif., to express their outrage at the U.S. government's failure to deliver on a promise to hasten the processing of their green-card applications. Many of these immigrants came to the U.S. from India on visas and have been stuck in what they say is an interminable wait for permanent residency and the freedoms it brings.

    "We're stepping out to bring this issue to the attention of lawmakers and the public," says Ashish Sharma, 37, who has worked as a manager at a tech firm in Los Angeles for seven years, awaiting his green card. "The debate has been dominated by illegal immigration, but we want to put a spotlight on the hurdles we're facing as a hard-working and law-abiding group. It's time for corrective action."

    Sharma says he spent $5,000 flying his wife and children to the U.S. from India to prepare green-card documents that the government originally said it would accept and then later decided not to accept. Tomorrow, he will drive more than five hours to San Jose to meet hundreds of others stuck in the green-card backlog who want to make a public statement about their frustrations.
    Long Delays Spur Protests

    The rally follows a symbolic action on July 10 in which hundreds of green-card applicants sent flowers to the director of U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services in a show of peaceful protest reminiscent of Mohandas Gandhi's nonviolent campaign against British rule before India gained independence in 1947. The idea for both the flower sending and the rally emerged from Immigration Voice, a group that advocates for high-tech immigrants in the U.S. on visas.

    The Gandhi protests, though grounded in years of frustration and anger, were sparked by recent events. On June 12, the U.S. State Dept. issued a bulletin promising it was ready to move hundreds of thousands of green-card applicants into the final phase of processing, known as the Adjustment of Status. Visa workers rushed to complete their Adjustment of Status applications for July 2, the first day they could be submitted. Applicants scrambled to gather signatures, birth certificates, and immunization records, many taking off work and rearranging travel plans. But at the beginning of July, the State Dept. retracted the bulletin, explaining the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services had already fulfilled its quota and would not accept further applications. The immigrant community exploded, with critics saying they are the victims of bureaucratic incompetence and a broken immigration policy.

    The green-card backlog has emerged because of a mismatch between the number of visa holders and the number of green cards available to them each year. Tens of thousands of foreign workers enter the U.S. on work visas each year, and many apply for green cards. But current government rules limit the number of people who can be admitted to the U.S. from any particular country to 9,800. The result is that for larger countries, including India and China, the wait for permanent U.S. residency now stretches for years. As they wait, visa workers are required to maintain the same job and salary, or they are bumped back to the long queue. That leaves many of the most educated and talented immigrants feeling stuck, sometimes to the point of hopelessness (see BusinessWeek.com, 6/21/07, "One Easy Fix for Immigration").
    Joining the Chorus

    Many American companies are concerned about the government's immigration policies. Tech companies, including IBM (IBM), Motorola (MOT), Oracle (ORCL), eBay (EBAY), and Intel (INTC), have pressured Congress to allow in more skilled workers on temporary and permanent visas. Google (GOOG), with many immigrants at the company including one of the founders, sent one of its top executives to make the case in Washington (see BusinessWeek.com, 6/7/07, "Immigration: Google Makes Its Case"). Bill Gates, Microsoft's (MSFT) co-founder, also made the trip to Congress to argue for a change in policy (see BusinessWeek.com, 3/8/07, "Gates to Senate: More Visas").

    Immigration Voice has for several years been a forum for visa workers awaiting green cards, but it is now becoming a critical organizing tool through its Web site, volunteer leadership, and increased lobbying efforts. Immigration Voice President Aman Kapoor says green-card applicants are busy organizing a series of rallies to take place across the country on one day next month.

    "This is not the usual population to go into the streets and protest; it's a group that has remained quiet and follows the rules," says Kapoor. "But people have lost faith in the system, and we have reached a tipping point in terms of frustration. There's an understanding that more dramatic action is needed."

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  • vasa
    07-15 10:45 PM
    Just Did...

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  • logiclife
    02-22 05:18 PM
    The conventional wisdom, overall, in DC is that when it comes to Legal EB immigration, Republicans are our friends.

    If you are an illegal Democrats are your friends.

    These days, the dems and republicans have joined hands against illegal variety. There hasnt been a litmus test of legal immigration on Dems or Republicans. I dont think S 1932 was any indication on where congress stands on our issue. S 1932 was a budget reconcilation bill and they had bigger fish to fry: Budget reconcilation. In order to garner support from their own party, republican leadership had to drop immigration and other non budget related things from 1932. Tancredo and Smith can only have fun as long as there is tough opposition to any bill. On bills of like PACE having 60 senators and hopefully majority on board, Tancredo, Byrd, Smith and cheerleaders like him may not have bargaining power they had during 1932

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  • chicago60607
    09-17 11:24 AM
    Started finallyyyyyyyyy ........... but no audio yet


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  • sanjaymm
    11-04 07:46 AM

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  • ElectricGrandpa
    06-20 09:55 AM


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  • chanduv23
    03-13 12:16 PM
    That is correct, 9 months and then I will return to my country for good.
    I am waiting for the day when we get the GC , we will tear it into pieces and throw in front of consulate.


    It is not easy to tear apart a Green card - u need a sharp instrument - and be careful because u may hurt urself if u do it with the levels of frustration :) :)

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  • malaGCPahije
    03-13 12:04 PM
    Good news and I am very happy for all Eb2...It seems like EB3 has not much hopes. It is moving at snail's pace, but with all the overflow from EB1 and ROWW going to EB2 only, looks like EB3 will take a long time to reach 2004/2005. If few of us in EB3 category get to see the GC before they leave the US, we should consider ourselves fortunate.


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  • eastindia
    01-22 10:28 AM
    You need to understand how legal system works. Lawyer can not file lawsuite by himself/herself. It has to come from Employer, that too, when employer's H1-B petition is denied based on memo info or H1-B worker is denied entry. Damages (or Loss) must be shown before a civil suit can be filed.

    Have a good day!

    Not a legal advice.

    They can challenge the legality of the memo. You do not need employer for that.

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  • Tito_ortiz
    01-08 02:04 AM
    I already saw a complaint on change.gov that 'people representing special interest groups from foreign nations may be flooding the change.gov system with messages and votes which may not be in interest of Americans, for whom the Obama administration is supposed to work for."

    That said, let's continue to send messages and make our voice heard anyway! Good work folks!

    I put mine in, let's go for more than 100 and don't forget to "bump" this message so it stays at the top!



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  • 485Mbe4001
    06-13 11:53 AM
    I do beg to differ, nice post but low on facts, its more conjecture and assumptions.
    PHDs - EB1 dont make the kind of cash you have shown (ask the post docs who are working there asses off), similarly EB 3's are not restricted to the range you are talking about.
    Gaming the system is what screwed us, its not just EB3 its every where. The ones who gamed the system already have their GCs. The extent of gaming in EB1 and EB2 was more than EB3 (ask a lawyer, off the record and you will know). Bodyshopping companies send every one as project managers and they apply in EB2. as for experience, lets not get into that, it is very subjective and vague. I could go on and on...but my level of frusturation with USCIS is too high...hoping and praying is also not an option these days.

    just call the CHC members

    Nice post, containing real facts.

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  • Macaca
    02-14 01:41 PM
    There is no leadership problem in core : not a single thing, nada, zitto, zapata. Core has much better info for decision making then any non-core; the decision may be interim relief (I-485 filing, unused visa recapture, ...) or any thing else. My conclusion is based on my readings about immigration issues, our issue, current political situation and core posts. Core has correctly predicted Ag Jobs and Schedule A this month. We are wasting our time by debating this issue. Please educate yourself.

    Core has not misused any contribution money; it is not easy to misuse contributions made to non-profit organization. Once again please educate yourself. Besides, how much contribution money is there? However, I have very serious problems with members when Aman says that he has spent 30-40K of his own money and logiclife says that he has spent his own money on travel : shame on all members who are still sitting on their $20 and debating all other issues.

    I do have some issues with core. Some members are curious about finances and progress reports. It is much better to post such info (decided by core) rather then wasting time when someone asks about. At present, such info has been posted and is the best info available at this time.

    I also have some issues with deleting posts. Based on the contents of deleted posts, I don't think the core has much to hide. Hence, it is better to let these posts exist rather then delete them. Members who agree with these posts should be free to debate. They will not hurt IV. Deleting posts has undermined the credibilty of core.

    IV was founded by some some core and exists only because of their efforts. They have earned the right to make some decisions. Please understand that, everyone makes some mistakes and has some bad days. I request non-core to give then benefit of doubt on side shows and freak shows. We are wasting our time on these issues.

    I have very serious problems with most members. Core is negotiating with a lobbying firm. I understand that QGA was paid 60K.

    1. Where is the money for the lobbying firm?
    2. Whose problem is it to arrange money for the lobbying firm?
    3. How does discussing any issue in the forums help us in arranging money for the lobbying firm?

    So non-core, please don't worry about core. Worry about yourself. You are doing a great dis-service to our cause by debating anything not covered by the folowing.

    1. What are your responsibilties?
    2. What are your results?


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  • santa123
    07-17 11:14 PM
    you got it! its done.... only because u said it.... for such a brilliant idea which no one could think..... i want to nominate you for the president of the united states of america

    proud member of 'GCperm for president'!!!!

    who do you think you are? Sotomayor or what? Down with your unwanted sarcasm!

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  • ChainReaction
    04-18 09:40 AM
    I had contributed $100 in the past and just made my third contribution of $50 and will contribute more...people every drop in the bucket counts and we are IV there is no other organization which is fighting for our cause. So contribute generously


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  • when
    07-18 04:05 PM

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  • shukla77
    03-11 10:49 AM
    But Mr Sanju you do use foul language towards other members.Sometimes your comments cause admin to close the thread. Remember the reponse you gave to Mirage for his post regarding calling senator for country cap. You need to show some control over your emotions and excitement.

    And you dont have to respond to every single post with your EXPERT comments

    I do not intend on posting something for anyone's wife/hisband and children because that is not who I am, but I want to make sure you enforce the same rules here as you enforced on me the other day.



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  • snathan
    04-20 02:23 PM
    what makes you think i have a website and I evaluate?? Moron, I was asking the person to get the documents evaluated and let other know, so that others who are in same position can benefit from that.

    Have you ever seen the Moron in real life...go and see the mirror. I have asked you the website as I didn’t want to assume and your name 'Sheila' resembles the Sheila from an evaluation agency. She used to say the same thing – ‘Ask your attorney to get it evaluated’. Obviously you didn’t want to answer my question. Still I was saying ' I was suspecting'.

    Now do you understand Who the real Moron is.?

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  • Raju
    07-19 07:45 PM
    There is a funding drive in this other thread towards reimbursing Aman's expenses.


    Could you please pledge an amount ?

    I cannot find this thread and the link does not work. I pledge $200

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  • satishku_2000
    05-24 11:57 PM
    Student loans too ......


    Page 298 line 11 section 616.

    I am not surprised if a Senator brings up amendment to fund all these stundent loans by H1 people.

    I am not sure if this bill is ever gonna make it to presidents desk

    03-10 06:21 PM
    CIS awhile back reported that they only have 60K I140 applications pending. So 125K I140 applications can't be pending..
    My understanding is VSC and CSC are working on H1B and NSC and TSC work on I140, I485s.

    01-31 12:46 AM
    I just voted 9:56pm PST. question no is now 22 and 27

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