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  • sonaliak
    09-19 10:05 AM
    Legal Immigrants Voice is a good suggestions, place card was very heavy in future try to make place less heavy :)
    It is first time around 1000 people gathered for their rights, it was awesome view, and you are demanding your rights in front of number one democratic institution in the world. For movement I can feel what participants might have felt when Martin Luther King gave "I�ve dream" speech on the same ground long time back.

    It is not only mathematics of the number or support, It felt good for me, my wife and others, with the help of Immigration Voice, I was a part of movement which is democratic, legal, peaceful and required.

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  • gsc999
    07-24 05:05 PM
    Dr. Emilio Gonz�lez Ask USCIS is over, we were hoping atleast we get a mention in this chat, but like everywhere we do not even get a mention, thats our plight.

    That was the reason we were requesting IV to set up some kind of webfax to USCIS director, atleast he would be aware of the retrogression issue, then we can build our case from there.

    But any way it is a waste of time.

    It would be better to focus our energies in a directed fashion on some core issues that have been identified by the core team. Media, Senators, House members and other have become familiar with our issues. Will it be worthwhile to add these new provisons that might dilute our original charter? Let us address the key causes e.g. few immigrant visas, family counted towards visa numbers, re-capture past visas, increase immigrant visas etc.

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  • nervous-wreck
    03-15 05:51 PM
    what i am saying is how and why is it that inspite of the PD having been current as I detailed in my original post for so long during 2000-2005 for EB 2 India, why are there applicants from way back in 2002 and 2003 still waiting?

    Honestly, I thought they should have been already processed and gotten their Green cards by now.

    All I am trying to figure out is how many applicants from 2004-2005 are still in the proverbial 'PIPELINE' waiting. Unless they are done, the PD is not gonna move.

    If we can have it move conclusively to 2005-2006 regions relatively quickly, most problems are solved.

    BTW, what are the chances that the PD may become "Current" again for EB2/EB3 India over the next 40 months?


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  • BlueSunD
    02-27 09:47 PM
    Thanks, a great place for tutorials on maya is http://www.learning-maya.com


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  • grinch
    03-07 05:56 PM
    alright eilsoe, good entry man, pissed that you couldnt get time, but heck, no one has time eh?

    Its ok, good work!

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  • bpratap
    02-11 07:35 PM
    If someone port their EB3 i-485 to EB2, say somebody who's PD is in 2002.

    Does his Visa number go waste or it will be re-used for another case.

    this is with presumption that the cases are pre-adjudicated


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  • v7461558
    07-16 10:37 PM
    Here's another potential way to go. Don't know if anyone has the balls to pursue it, but it may be quite effective.

    IRS states "The IRS continues to investigate promoters of frivolous arguments and to refer cases to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution." http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=155289,00.html

    Someone (preferably a lawyer) can write a letter to NumbersUSA stating that their widely disseminated template message, item (2), suggests that tax avoidance among H1B's is legal, and in this manner promotes tax avoidance. We can ask them to remove the message, or else we refer them to IRS Compliance and Enforcement.

    This is not so far-fetched---note their wording: "Congress allows foreigners..."

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  • nagesh75
    10-12 09:15 PM
    EB3 - Feb 2004
    485,EAD,AP : RD July3107 at NSC
    485,EAD,AP : ND Oct0307 at CSC
    EAD,AP approved : Oct10 at CSC


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  • gcisadawg
    12-14 11:20 PM

    I agree to most of the points you wrote. I believe there is one thing that you missed.

    H1B is a dual intent visa that allows a foreigner to work in US and also apply for permanent residency. It was originally intended for American companies to hire people from abroad. But how many American companies hire people directly from abroad? Even if there is some, it would be very very minimal.

    Body shoppers are the one who take on the difficult task of interviewing/recruiting/sponsoring/air-lifting the foreigner to USA in addition to preparing the candidate to withstand the rigors of a visa interview.
    They give initial accommodation (agreed, a 1BR aptmnt cramped with many ppl), pay on bench ( accepted, not all), place the candidate on a project and get the foreigner US work/cultural experience. After they go through the whole nine yards, these American companies jump in and poach these H1Bs.

    Take the body shoppers and glorified body shoppers like TCS, wipro, infy etc out of the equation and you would have sheer wastage of H1B numbers since the American companies will not go abroad to recruit someone who is unfamiliar with US work culture.

    That is why congress came up with 20K quota for master degree holders who can be recruited directly by US corporations. In my opinion, US corporations should not complain at all since they were never interested in upholding the true spirit of H1B by recruiting people from abroad directly.


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  • satishku_2000
    07-09 04:03 PM

    what is your PD?


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  • leoindiano
    03-17 09:59 AM
    Substitute labors for EB2 should not IMPACT the delay more than 3 to 6 months. The reason is total EB2 labor india cases approved with PD in 2004 itself is 3500(Straight out of DOL database, published on this forum last year). Some of these cases may have been substituted, worst case, lets say 100% of them applied to I-485. Now the number is 3 times that of 3500. that is 10500(including spouse and 1 child on average).

    Another thing you need to consider is If anycase had a PD before sept 2004 and was filed for I-485 before July 2007. That must have got the approval unless there was a namecheck delay.

    That should reduce the number to half., 5500(including dependent cases). This is my educated guess, Please dont pick on me. It wont help anybody.

    Below are 3 categories left in 2004 as per my analysis....

    1) the applications filed in or after july 2007 OR
    2) applications had a PD after sept 2004
    3) Namecheck delayed cases.

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  • sunny1000
    04-25 12:27 PM
    Congrats Googler! Wish you the very best. We appreciate all the inputs from you and hope that you will stick around with IV!!


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  • redddiv
    07-17 06:46 AM
    Shame on You for being liars,
    Shame on being ignorant,
    Shame on being Arrogant,
    Shame on being uneducated,
    Shame on being decendents of barbarians.
    Shame should be your real name and ancestry.
    God Bless you and give you good brains and good behaviour.

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  • eilsoe
    02-23 02:19 PM
    well, people seems to have forgotten about this battle...


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  • eb3_nepa
    07-28 01:21 PM
    Ok people.

    With all due respect to Lord Ganesha. This discussion is going nowhere.

    Please consider taking some time and becoming a member of the HIGH FIVE campaign.

    All IV asks you for is JUST $5.00. Thats IT.



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  • justAnotherFile
    07-01 09:59 PM
    in 2005 visa bulletin...

    they are clearly violating their own stated policy.
    it also proves that the USCIS rate of adjudication was very slow until june 13, and they have been doing extraordinary efforts to approve petitions since then to avoid the predicament of recieving 200K applications on july 2.

    I guess they have 40 K approvable/approved petitions by today. And are going to use up those tomorrow to make numbers unavailable and force DoS hand.

    But question is how long does it take for the USCIS to request and recieve those numbers on MOnday.


    The Visa Office subdivides the annual preference and foreign state limitations specified in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) into twelve monthly allotments. The totals of documentarily qualified applicants that have been reported to VO are compared each month with the numbers available for the next regular allotment and numbers are allocated to reported applicants in order of their priority dates, the oldest dates first.

    If there are sufficient numbers in a particular category to satisfy all reported documentarily qualified demand, the category is considered “Current.” For example, if the Employment Third preference monthly target is 5,000 and there are only 3,000 applicants, the category is considered “Current”.
    Whenever the total of documentarily qualified applicants in a category exceeds the supply of numbers available for allotment for the particular month, the category is considered to be “oversubscribed” and a visa availability cut-off date is established. The cut-off date is the priority date of the first documentarily qualified applicant who could not be accommodated for a visa number. For example, if the Employment Third preference monthly target is 5,000 and there are 15,000 applicants, a cut-off date would be established so that only 5,000 numbers would be used, and the cut-off date would be the priority date of the 5,001st applicant.


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  • jsb
    08-11 09:21 AM
    We need our messiah VLDRAO...
    He s the MANNNN...
    he predicted July 2007 fiasco and then he was the guy who fought for us...
    VLDRAOOO where are you...
    Please make dates current for everybody...

    Making dates current for everybody will benefit new members (those could not file in July/Aug 07). For you with Nov 04 PD in EB2, and others waiting with I-485 filed, it will create a chaos. USCIS folks will get green to pick any file at random and issue GC's, then we all be unhappy.

    They should move cutoff dates in an orderly manner without retrogressing them in the future. Retrogression pains more than no or little cutoff date movement.

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  • GCneeded
    10-25 01:52 PM
    PD is Dec 2002 / EB3 India / I 140 Approved / 485 Pending

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  • reddymjm
    09-10 02:04 PM
    They can make a category current when Demand < Supply. So once all I-485s prior to 2007 are approved the monthly demand data they publish will show demand Prior to CY2011 = 200.

    Yes True. This can happen only in the last quarter. I guess in August or Sept 2011 bulliten. Probably USCIS would love to put C instead of moving it a year by year as they love the flood of applications and backlogs.

    12-26 12:22 AM
    Give IV a New Year Gift:Post about IV in other Web sites (15 min of your time!!!)

    Hi IV members!

    We are all aware how every IV member is trying to increase IV membership.

    We need all hands and help to make this a success, INCLUDING YOURS and we need it NOW. Following are two important threads to visit in this regard.

    ( IV campaign: $20/member marathon
    IV campaign: Add A Member Campaign
    http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2566 )

    I am starting a new thread to highlight another idea.



    I suggest the following.

    1. Post about IV in a Web site that you frequent for local ads, local events, local classifieds ect/ OR any other web site that you think best to post about IV (need not be necessarily local web site, an internet group ect)

    Every one of us knows a web site where in local classifieds, ads are given, POST ABOUT IV in those web sites. This is REALLY easy task given 15 minutes of your time.

    2. I have pasted the content below that you can use to post the free classified or start a new discussion thread in a local web site that you know of.

    3. When you have posted the classified or started a thread in your local web sites, POST the details here to keep this thread alive and others take notice and make similar efforts. (It will encourage others).

    IV'ers, lets add ONE classified or discussion thread in a web site that you know of ... Your 15 minutes of time will take us a long way.

    I understand IV members are from different countries and different states, and thus only you will be knowing what sites are best to post a classified/discussion thread.

    Please feel free to write any other suggestions you may have regarding this idea.

    ************************************************** ****

    Waiting for your Green Card ? Read this .. Free Immigration Consultation!!! (no strings)

    Have you been waiting patiently to get your green card through your employer? Do the following quotes somewhat echo what you are going through? “My labor certification has been pending at the DOL for over 3 years”, “My priority date is Dec. 2003, but it seems like it take 3-4 years before my turn to apply for I-485 comes up”, “I am in my 9th year extension, and unable to accept promotions, or change jobs, because if I do, I will lose my priority date and have to wait another decade for my green card.

    If the above quotes sound familiar, then please know that you are not alone. You are in the company of over � million people stuck in the endless backlogs and bureaucracy. Recent data on backlogs indicates that as of April 2006, 255,000 applications were pending at the DOL – some since 1999. Per latest Ombudsman's report, there are between 170 to 230 K applications pending at the USCIS. Just one glance at the numbers is sure to send shivers down the spines of most individuals who haven’t even entered the green card queue.

    With unbounded passion and a sense of urgency few individuals came together in December 2005 to form Immigration Voice (IV). Immigration Voice’s mission is to resolve this crisis facing numerous highly skilled, and highly educated individuals and make lawmakers aware of the issues that have adversely affected the quality of life for our members.

    Immigration Voice has successfully lobbied Congress to enact sensible legislation that will clear backlogs, reduce wait time, and improve the quality of life of individuals. Immigration Voice has played a key role in the following very positive changes: (1) Removal of 10 % hard country quota from Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation. We made lawmakers aware of this issue so it will never arise again. (2) Inclusion of Immigration Voice’s goals in the bipartisan Managers' amendment to CIR viz, (i) I-485 filing without visa number availability, (ii) 3 year H-1B and EAD/Advance Parole extensions for green card applicants, and, (iii) Generalization of Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics (STEM) exemptions to more applicants. This item also greatly serves the national interests of the US.

    Immigration Voice has also raised awareness about backlogs and bottlenecks in the legal immigration process through an aggressive publicity campaign in the print and broadcast media (Washington Post, Roll Call, WSJ, MSNBC, amongst many others). You can check them out here. Immigration Voice core members continually engage the media on a regular basis to raise awareness.

    Immigration Voice works closely with Quinn Gillespie and Associates (QGA) to generate awareness amongst lawmakers of our cause and to create bipartisan support for it, but we need a significant membership base as well as a tremendous financial muscle. The lobby opposed to legal immigration is very strong, and has extensive reach on the Hill. We need to raise funds with great urgency and vigor to keep up the struggle and strengthen our partnership with QGA, without whom our success is limited.

    All members of Immigration Voice are bonded by the same problems arising from the backlogs in legal immigration. The unwavering and unfaltering commitment of the Immigration Voice core team, and the support shown by our members, both monetary and in spirit, has propelled Immigration Voice to succeed and hardened the core team’s resolve to continue this work until our goals are achieved.

    Immigration Voice’s membership has grown to more than 8000 members in about 7-8 months, but this number pales in comparison to the half million people currently in some stage of their green card process. We urge you to join us and become a member of Immigration Voice. You will receive regular updates and inside news of several activities that Immigration Voice is undertaking in Washington DC. Moreover, you will get the satisfaction of being part of this important effort, which has a good chance of succeeding, and be able to share your worries as well as get solutions to your personal queries through our free ask-a-lawyer conference calls.

    Please visit www.ImmigrationVoice.org and see first-hand the enthusiasm and energy of our existing members who are contributing their time and resources to a very important cause. We are sure you will join us.

    Thank you,

    Immigration Voice Team

    Immigration voice is a non-profit 501 (c) (4) organization. All of Immigration Voice’s financial transactions will be audited by a CPA, submitted to the IRS.

    ************************************************** ****

    Based on the suggestions from perm2gc, I am temporarily changing the thread to "Give IV a New Gift". It was "Post about IV in other Web sites( Need 15 min of your time!!!) "

    Senior Member Join Date: May 2006
    Posts: 387

    Give IV a New Year Gift


    Guys. Let all of us give a new year gift to our core team by posting about IV in all the forums which we have access.It won't cost you a penny but a 15 minutes of your time.I know everyone are busy but 15 minutes is not too much to spend for guys who are working hard for our cause.I know many people are silently browsing the thread than the people who are posting .Guys don't be behind the doors all the times.You have to come out sometimes and this is the time for you to show little respect to the core team.
    Remember, remember always, that all of Americans... are descended from immigrants and revolutionists

    01-18 08:01 PM
    Based on your state law, you may be required to carry your original DL and not copies.

    I was talking about copy of EAD instead of original card.. But you made a valid point that EAD is not proof of immigration status... But then what is proof of Legal Status?? If you are on EAD.. you may not've H1...

    Also carrying original EAD all the time is not a good idea... If you lose it.. it will take months to replace it... Not sure if during this.. you can work or not... Personally I was asked to show passport only once.. when driving through Texas by US Army... Within your state it may be okay if your DL is close to real ID... But still this is a confusing topic...

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