07-02 04:48 PM
lawyer =2250
medical exam =280
Birth cerificate =175
visa screen =435
total 3207.99
medical exam =280
Birth cerificate =175
visa screen =435
total 3207.99
wallpaper 2011 song lyric tattoos song
04-29 02:21 PM
And who is India fighting with??
Come on we need to learn to forget the cold war days. This is 21st century and the age of facebook and other social networking platforms. the world is getting more connected and there will soon be no place for fighter planes any more. What we need is "food" and "water".....
Nature is showing us again and again the futility of our ambitions (regional and international) through her rather quite infrequent thrashings these days....
296 people perished this week in terrible tornadoes (worst in last 40 years!!!).....10000 or more a month ago in Japan earthquake (5th worst ever recorded!!!)....
Come on we need to learn to forget the cold war days. This is 21st century and the age of facebook and other social networking platforms. the world is getting more connected and there will soon be no place for fighter planes any more. What we need is "food" and "water".....
Nature is showing us again and again the futility of our ambitions (regional and international) through her rather quite infrequent thrashings these days....
296 people perished this week in terrible tornadoes (worst in last 40 years!!!).....10000 or more a month ago in Japan earthquake (5th worst ever recorded!!!)....
12-27 10:45 AM
With the current rate of outsourcing happening around in US and the rate of influx of temporary workers coming in on mostly L1 and may be few on H1 B Visas every year through the outsourcing companies , i am sceptical about the future of GC aspirants. With the way of GC processing happening which are caused by restrictions /policies of governing bodies and no sight of positive relief in near future i am little apprehensive about the future.
I feel that there might be no areas that are not impacted by Outsourcing boom . Most of the companies that i see and my friends work ,i see many of the operations are outsourced or planning in place to get outsourced.
with the current rate of outsourcing and subprime mess which may cause slow down in economy , i am not sure if there would be any positions to support our AOS , when our PD becomes current. Some times i think , the fight for GC is even worth it.
Every one feel free to post your views/opinions/Analysis on this topic ....
The impact of outsourcing (if any) would only be on lower level software/IT jobs which are getting sent to cheaper destinations. However the GC applicant pool is much wider than just IT/software programmers, so overall the impact would be smaller.
With the current rate of outsourcing happening around in US and the rate of influx of temporary workers coming in on mostly L1 and may be few on H1 B Visas every year through the outsourcing companies , i am sceptical about the future of GC aspirants. With the way of GC processing happening which are caused by restrictions /policies of governing bodies and no sight of positive relief in near future i am little apprehensive about the future.
I feel that there might be no areas that are not impacted by Outsourcing boom . Most of the companies that i see and my friends work ,i see many of the operations are outsourced or planning in place to get outsourced.
with the current rate of outsourcing and subprime mess which may cause slow down in economy , i am not sure if there would be any positions to support our AOS , when our PD becomes current. Some times i think , the fight for GC is even worth it.
Every one feel free to post your views/opinions/Analysis on this topic ....
The impact of outsourcing (if any) would only be on lower level software/IT jobs which are getting sent to cheaper destinations. However the GC applicant pool is much wider than just IT/software programmers, so overall the impact would be smaller.
2011 I have never wanted a tattoo
07-21 10:27 PM
this guy doggystyle piss me off, i had other things to do and was not going to attend, but he made sure that i attend and expose incompetency of these impotent people. bottom line - donna wants to be the one to testify to the congress, she wants to be famous. others are idiots and can't see this. here is what happened - total waste of time. doddy is right, could not hear more than 5 distinct voices, they use different ids to make it appear that the whole world is anti immigrant, they even said that on the call, bunch of losers
donna – put in talking points for each article.
kevin – don’t want to look artificial
donna – yes, no copying pasting,
don’t want to put ourself apart from other american in it . the good thing is republicans are on the message and this is what democrats don’t know how to do. democrats are very articulate, but do not stay on the message
core point of the talking points, want to attack h1b only, that’s the core – we are fighting to apply in jobs in our own country
remember, the business week will post link to these h1b only wanted ads
you will not see an american who’ll be happy to see these ads
goto Bright Future Jobs (http://www.brghtfuurejob.com)
durbin bill will not do enough, will only prevent these h1s to come here. but after durbin bill pass, anyone can send this job. in order to apply for a job in nj one has to through pune, india. they ask new h1b to sign bond contract, and if they leave before 18 months, they will ask to pay the fee. this is bond contract which is illegal in america since long time.
kevin – ha ha ha indentured servants
donna – exactly, ha ha, and durbin will prevent this bond contract, if u click on h1b wanted ads
#7 ads says no degree required
#8 ads this is a govt. contract and the company is minority owned - the reason we attack minority owned or woman owned company is, it’s difficult to get this status and they are violating the spirit in which they got the minority status. there is a large number of unemployed h1b, the corporation made a solemn commitment to the us americans, government and to the foreign nationals – the corporations made the commitment to pay the individual and if they let them go or fire, they fly them home. what is going on is aila is recommending to companies that they essentially intimidate h1b when they let them go, making them sign a letter that they refuse to take ticket to fly back home. this is very very important for us to know and attack
one thing that most people don’t know - the indentured comes from the bond contract – the guest workers, h1b, will be never be deported, because, under the law, theoretically, they r never suppose to become illegal. the only people who r deportable r illegals.
some lady voice – this is not a civil and not a criminal offense
donna – no, because it’s the fault of the cos, bcoz the company did not fly them home. and this is one issue that doesn’t get represented in the media. h1b – that doesn’t have job, most important thing to post is – attack that u don’t have job and can’t apply for job
the exploitation which bw is writing about can only occur when these companies can bypass us – the solution to this lies – when companies are forced to hire her
another stupid woman – yes, the it was invented here
kevin – yes, for green card, lawyers find ways around the process
donna – corporation is finding work around to hire american worker,
door bell rings… that stupid woman answering door and cause disturbance for 5 minutes, opening door, dog barking, bragging to the mail man about being on a big “conference call”….
donna - the unifying thing is – corporations are ignoring us to find legal ways to ignore us.
stupid woman - how to answer them on the forums
kevin – just basically reply, and reply, and we have overwhelming numbers on our side
when u see their comments, they have high volume for 1 or 2 days, and then they r gone. we continue to post comments sometimes use different ids and make it look like we are many of us.
donna – we r not going to win the posting game, we don’t want to win the posting game
we are positing similar information, and this alerts the journalist and we have to filter our messages, say we have 20 votes about the bypass of the talent, 20 points about the employment discrimination, we will alert discrimination whom we will refer to these articles,
nyt – article got 1000 posts, and passed to other online journals,
as soon as i started, 1 generalist quoted me and then got quoted more
so the journalist who wrote the article, and those who comes afterwards, they read the post, that is important. we want generalist to read our comments, that we cannot apply for the job, and there is employment discrimination
kevin – you can also send reporters direct emails, i emailed moira of bw - direct emails, and that’s how we got bw article
donna – remember we have a track. after labor day, this is going to be up for discussion, btw, don’t even replicate u’r opponents phrases or never repeat u’r opposition is saying about yourself, so don’t say that there is no qualified americans, say we have over abundance of skill talent, in other words over supply, never say shortage, because u’ll otherwise saying opposition’s message about you. doesn’t anybody… do we want to have a discussion on that.
kevin – we do not have to be dignified in our response
donna - there is not a human on this planet who will believe that there are “want” ads that say –americans need not apply – that will create outrage.
buddy – can i ask a question, i click on an add, it goes to indeed, so this is pulled from rss feed
buddy – so i have many friends on facebook, i can tell them about these ads.
donna – exactly, so the jobs r there but we cannot apply for those jobs. we have doj is making a ground breaking case between ‘employment right and it
silly woman – i’ve been it manager, and know many american who
btw – u’r emotional truth will move people. these people have over qualified beyond the job we are positing, and they do not get hired, and that’s the pattern. years ago, we barely know the material, and we learned on the job, and now it’s the other way around, we know it and we are over qualified
another stupid guy - they fake resumes, and they say on the resumes that they know about oracle rake and unix admin, but they don’t know anything
donna - we are laying the groundwork about the washington beltway mentality, if have to make it look like that employer deliberately pst ads
everyone here on the call has historical record, honest to god. i have a good news, we r standing up for ourself, to tell this story of bypassing the american talent, and that’s what brighfuture jobs is about. that’s what durbin bill will do for us. there are couple of people who will focus on foreign citizens. two things (1.) they will hear from us, and (2.) whether we need guest workers at all, will be taken by afl-cio will pick up. but what we will do, we have absolute unique role to play, we will explain how the culture the bypass impacts us, and the culture of exploitation impacts us. we r the only once in the country who can tell this. there is going to be a discussion in beltway about “whether”, but american worker and american it professionals
no one said that - no foreign worker can come here – that’s not the message – it’s the bypass and exploitation.
donna - no there will be a discussion about no foreign work can come
don’t ever say – h1b is when a qualified american worker can not be found. we have to say that h1b law is about the bypass the american worker – the “discussion” will be about commission – anybody heard about that. the unions are setting commission whether or not we need guest workers – theoretically, and we will come up with the stories, boots on the gound, to show them the data the fuel, makes sense? they can have their tea and whatever stuff, and we will bring the bonfire.
kevin – that nyt story about that google supposedly employee, we have to post messages there,
we have to say that – there will not be an american and naturalized citizen, who say -that its ok to exploitation. there is deep deep discussion about who is an american. alf_cio has broken the opposition, but they r talking theoretically, and we r giving boots on the ground –
employers r not giving us the opportunity to compete – it’s the responsibility of federal govt that we are able to compete.
buddy – most of these jobs are it. someone in background in it can pick up even if there is new technology, but we r shut out by people with lower skills
donna -you r wrong, u r not shut down by people with lower skills, but by corporations
buddy – say 4 h1b workers replacing 1 american workers, they network, and team up to help each other
donna - no, u can argue the cheap, that’s ok, but u cannot argue about losing the right to compete. americans love cheap labor, but we have to focus on americans not being able to compete, its not about low wages.
mike – if u’r real american u cannot work for the 3rd world rates
donna – if u’r real american, u’ll make that corporation compete for these jobs locally. if u want americans, u want to create competition amongst americans here.
when a blackman would work for 10 cents, and white man work for $10, they would choose whiteman, they choose whiteman – because they were
so if u want to argue about wages, that’s cool, u r telling people u’r competing for the job. but the focus has to be on the right to compete.
this guy rajiv was replaced by h1b when he was on h1b. ha ha ha (everyone laughs)
find an american who don’t think its ok to find the people to right to compete. we have not said this to the lawmakers. the moment we tell this to the lawmakers, they will be 100% on our side
donna – put in talking points for each article.
kevin – don’t want to look artificial
donna – yes, no copying pasting,
don’t want to put ourself apart from other american in it . the good thing is republicans are on the message and this is what democrats don’t know how to do. democrats are very articulate, but do not stay on the message
core point of the talking points, want to attack h1b only, that’s the core – we are fighting to apply in jobs in our own country
remember, the business week will post link to these h1b only wanted ads
you will not see an american who’ll be happy to see these ads
goto Bright Future Jobs (http://www.brghtfuurejob.com)
durbin bill will not do enough, will only prevent these h1s to come here. but after durbin bill pass, anyone can send this job. in order to apply for a job in nj one has to through pune, india. they ask new h1b to sign bond contract, and if they leave before 18 months, they will ask to pay the fee. this is bond contract which is illegal in america since long time.
kevin – ha ha ha indentured servants
donna – exactly, ha ha, and durbin will prevent this bond contract, if u click on h1b wanted ads
#7 ads says no degree required
#8 ads this is a govt. contract and the company is minority owned - the reason we attack minority owned or woman owned company is, it’s difficult to get this status and they are violating the spirit in which they got the minority status. there is a large number of unemployed h1b, the corporation made a solemn commitment to the us americans, government and to the foreign nationals – the corporations made the commitment to pay the individual and if they let them go or fire, they fly them home. what is going on is aila is recommending to companies that they essentially intimidate h1b when they let them go, making them sign a letter that they refuse to take ticket to fly back home. this is very very important for us to know and attack
one thing that most people don’t know - the indentured comes from the bond contract – the guest workers, h1b, will be never be deported, because, under the law, theoretically, they r never suppose to become illegal. the only people who r deportable r illegals.
some lady voice – this is not a civil and not a criminal offense
donna – no, because it’s the fault of the cos, bcoz the company did not fly them home. and this is one issue that doesn’t get represented in the media. h1b – that doesn’t have job, most important thing to post is – attack that u don’t have job and can’t apply for job
the exploitation which bw is writing about can only occur when these companies can bypass us – the solution to this lies – when companies are forced to hire her
another stupid woman – yes, the it was invented here
kevin – yes, for green card, lawyers find ways around the process
donna – corporation is finding work around to hire american worker,
door bell rings… that stupid woman answering door and cause disturbance for 5 minutes, opening door, dog barking, bragging to the mail man about being on a big “conference call”….
donna - the unifying thing is – corporations are ignoring us to find legal ways to ignore us.
stupid woman - how to answer them on the forums
kevin – just basically reply, and reply, and we have overwhelming numbers on our side
when u see their comments, they have high volume for 1 or 2 days, and then they r gone. we continue to post comments sometimes use different ids and make it look like we are many of us.
donna – we r not going to win the posting game, we don’t want to win the posting game
we are positing similar information, and this alerts the journalist and we have to filter our messages, say we have 20 votes about the bypass of the talent, 20 points about the employment discrimination, we will alert discrimination whom we will refer to these articles,
nyt – article got 1000 posts, and passed to other online journals,
as soon as i started, 1 generalist quoted me and then got quoted more
so the journalist who wrote the article, and those who comes afterwards, they read the post, that is important. we want generalist to read our comments, that we cannot apply for the job, and there is employment discrimination
kevin – you can also send reporters direct emails, i emailed moira of bw - direct emails, and that’s how we got bw article
donna – remember we have a track. after labor day, this is going to be up for discussion, btw, don’t even replicate u’r opponents phrases or never repeat u’r opposition is saying about yourself, so don’t say that there is no qualified americans, say we have over abundance of skill talent, in other words over supply, never say shortage, because u’ll otherwise saying opposition’s message about you. doesn’t anybody… do we want to have a discussion on that.
kevin – we do not have to be dignified in our response
donna - there is not a human on this planet who will believe that there are “want” ads that say –americans need not apply – that will create outrage.
buddy – can i ask a question, i click on an add, it goes to indeed, so this is pulled from rss feed
buddy – so i have many friends on facebook, i can tell them about these ads.
donna – exactly, so the jobs r there but we cannot apply for those jobs. we have doj is making a ground breaking case between ‘employment right and it
silly woman – i’ve been it manager, and know many american who
btw – u’r emotional truth will move people. these people have over qualified beyond the job we are positing, and they do not get hired, and that’s the pattern. years ago, we barely know the material, and we learned on the job, and now it’s the other way around, we know it and we are over qualified
another stupid guy - they fake resumes, and they say on the resumes that they know about oracle rake and unix admin, but they don’t know anything
donna - we are laying the groundwork about the washington beltway mentality, if have to make it look like that employer deliberately pst ads
everyone here on the call has historical record, honest to god. i have a good news, we r standing up for ourself, to tell this story of bypassing the american talent, and that’s what brighfuture jobs is about. that’s what durbin bill will do for us. there are couple of people who will focus on foreign citizens. two things (1.) they will hear from us, and (2.) whether we need guest workers at all, will be taken by afl-cio will pick up. but what we will do, we have absolute unique role to play, we will explain how the culture the bypass impacts us, and the culture of exploitation impacts us. we r the only once in the country who can tell this. there is going to be a discussion in beltway about “whether”, but american worker and american it professionals
no one said that - no foreign worker can come here – that’s not the message – it’s the bypass and exploitation.
donna - no there will be a discussion about no foreign work can come
don’t ever say – h1b is when a qualified american worker can not be found. we have to say that h1b law is about the bypass the american worker – the “discussion” will be about commission – anybody heard about that. the unions are setting commission whether or not we need guest workers – theoretically, and we will come up with the stories, boots on the gound, to show them the data the fuel, makes sense? they can have their tea and whatever stuff, and we will bring the bonfire.
kevin – that nyt story about that google supposedly employee, we have to post messages there,
we have to say that – there will not be an american and naturalized citizen, who say -that its ok to exploitation. there is deep deep discussion about who is an american. alf_cio has broken the opposition, but they r talking theoretically, and we r giving boots on the ground –
employers r not giving us the opportunity to compete – it’s the responsibility of federal govt that we are able to compete.
buddy – most of these jobs are it. someone in background in it can pick up even if there is new technology, but we r shut out by people with lower skills
donna -you r wrong, u r not shut down by people with lower skills, but by corporations
buddy – say 4 h1b workers replacing 1 american workers, they network, and team up to help each other
donna - no, u can argue the cheap, that’s ok, but u cannot argue about losing the right to compete. americans love cheap labor, but we have to focus on americans not being able to compete, its not about low wages.
mike – if u’r real american u cannot work for the 3rd world rates
donna – if u’r real american, u’ll make that corporation compete for these jobs locally. if u want americans, u want to create competition amongst americans here.
when a blackman would work for 10 cents, and white man work for $10, they would choose whiteman, they choose whiteman – because they were
so if u want to argue about wages, that’s cool, u r telling people u’r competing for the job. but the focus has to be on the right to compete.
this guy rajiv was replaced by h1b when he was on h1b. ha ha ha (everyone laughs)
find an american who don’t think its ok to find the people to right to compete. we have not said this to the lawmakers. the moment we tell this to the lawmakers, they will be 100% on our side

12-14 04:31 PM
usage of spill over must be based on demand estimates and cannot be an exact science.
removal of ROW spill-over must be in anticipation of the dam burst expected when the BECS finally cross pass the april 30 PDs ( ROW being a big majority of these applications).
We need to look at what the BECs are doing and where they are wrt apr 2001 apps. I believe they are almost past it or in the thick of it. there would be a 3-4 month lag since a lot of these guys are going through recruitment.
That will tell us whether we are seeing the worst or if it can get worse.
removal of ROW spill-over must be in anticipation of the dam burst expected when the BECS finally cross pass the april 30 PDs ( ROW being a big majority of these applications).
We need to look at what the BECs are doing and where they are wrt apr 2001 apps. I believe they are almost past it or in the thick of it. there would be a 3-4 month lag since a lot of these guys are going through recruitment.
That will tell us whether we are seeing the worst or if it can get worse.
02-10 06:24 PM
Got another 33 in hand, total 43, more to come
Tip: recruit friends and strangers to get more from their work places and mail back to you.
Tip: recruit friends and strangers to get more from their work places and mail back to you.
04-14 06:47 PM
Desi consultants should be heavily fined or shut down if they get caught in filing multiple petitions. Why doesn't USCIS take reasonable steps to avoid these kinds of fraud. i hate it when desi consultants hire people from business background and file a H1B for them as a DBA's or programmer analysts or QA's....!!!
2010 Lyric Tattoo by ~uhleckseee on
08-22 08:57 PM
Factors you forgot to consider:
1. EB1 and EB2 applicants this July and Aug. ate up the numbers that were made available to EB3 last June 2007.
2. EB3 Visa number is just very few, around 800 per month per PICM country.
1. EB1 and EB2 applicants this July and Aug. ate up the numbers that were made available to EB3 last June 2007.
2. EB3 Visa number is just very few, around 800 per month per PICM country.
07-06 03:53 PM
of being a WHITE KISS ARCE
so much for a free modern world...bbbrrrrrrrrrrrr
off to India ..no more pepsi, coke jeans for me ...the real GANDHIGIRI is wear home made khadi clothes....hit them where it hurts and that is MONEY
HELP LOCAL INDIAN ENTERPRENEURS ..SENDING FLOWERS is really cheesy and idiotic ..who came up with this stupid idea???
so much for a free modern world...bbbrrrrrrrrrrrr
off to India ..no more pepsi, coke jeans for me ...the real GANDHIGIRI is wear home made khadi clothes....hit them where it hurts and that is MONEY
HELP LOCAL INDIAN ENTERPRENEURS ..SENDING FLOWERS is really cheesy and idiotic ..who came up with this stupid idea???
hair Lyric Tattoo
01-05 02:58 PM
Hi Sheila Danzig,
I have an ICWA degree from India. Do you think this can support my 3+2 years education to support a EB2 case.
I have an ICWA degree from India. Do you think this can support my 3+2 years education to support a EB2 case.
08-15 12:34 PM
My application was sent to Vermont instead of Nebraska service center on July 2nd . I have not got any reciept number and lawyer is not confirming if the checks are cashed.
I am not sure what will happen to the application. Should I refile? The FAQ did say that they will forward it to correct Service center, but I don't have confidence in how they will handle it.
Should I refile?
I am not sure what will happen to the application. Should I refile? The FAQ did say that they will forward it to correct Service center, but I don't have confidence in how they will handle it.
Should I refile?
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06-27 08:56 AM
Could you please assign date time for every single member that they should file their application on?
Thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot.
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04-27 12:55 PM
I guess since no one wants to do anything about their situation - we can all sit back and wait for another 4-5 years and hope that we get a green card at that time since that is the amount of time it is going to take most of us if nothing was to change in the current process. Good luck to ALL and Happy Waiting :)
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05-12 08:54 AM
I have 2 questions. Why you think only I485 not greencard. Fight and get Greencard? Start protest self. Others join when one start. Why not you?
That is because he does not have the drive and initiative that you have ...
That is because he does not have the drive and initiative that you have ...
pictures textual or lyrical.
07-10 09:26 AM
I just posted this in another thread.
I saw the show yesterday. It is very sad that people like lou dobbs are twisting the facts by saying around 700,000 H1b visa holders are overstaying in USA. Also on that show one senator named "TOM" forgot his lastname, is saying the same and also that guy even did not know how long H1B is valid, he says it is valid for 5 years after that H1b visa holder become illegal. These kind of people spread hatered among common people against immigrants. is there way, we can sue these guys for their racist remarks/ misleadeing information?
I saw the show yesterday. It is very sad that people like lou dobbs are twisting the facts by saying around 700,000 H1b visa holders are overstaying in USA. Also on that show one senator named "TOM" forgot his lastname, is saying the same and also that guy even did not know how long H1B is valid, he says it is valid for 5 years after that H1b visa holder become illegal. These kind of people spread hatered among common people against immigrants. is there way, we can sue these guys for their racist remarks/ misleadeing information?
12-12 04:53 PM
Whats surprising to me is that EB3 ROW didnt move at all.
Anyway even if its 2 weeks progress for EB3 India its at least a glimmer of hope for those with PD's in 2001 like myself.
Anyway even if its 2 weeks progress for EB3 India its at least a glimmer of hope for those with PD's in 2001 like myself.
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08-06 06:19 PM
My case
PD:April 5 2004
RD:July 2 2007
ND : Sept 10 2007
I140 Approval: Feb 15, 2007
Status: Pending
Service Center: NSC
PD:April 5 2004
RD:July 2 2007
ND : Sept 10 2007
I140 Approval: Feb 15, 2007
Status: Pending
Service Center: NSC
girlfriend 2011 Song Lyric Tattoos
12-12 03:40 PM
I concur.
Please remember that even if BEC clears the application with 2001 priority dates. These people still need to:
1) Apply for I140
2) Have I-140 Approved
3) Apply for I-485 only if their priority date is current
4) Complete various I-485 tasks like fingerprinting, BACKGROUND CHECKS (this is a huge one and unless you are lucky you can get stranded for anywhere between 6 months to 3 years)
5) Now after completing 1 - 4 above you can expect that they will apply a visa number to the application
Please remember that even if BEC clears the application with 2001 priority dates. These people still need to:
1) Apply for I140
2) Have I-140 Approved
3) Apply for I-485 only if their priority date is current
4) Complete various I-485 tasks like fingerprinting, BACKGROUND CHECKS (this is a huge one and unless you are lucky you can get stranded for anywhere between 6 months to 3 years)
5) Now after completing 1 - 4 above you can expect that they will apply a visa number to the application
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08-07 05:38 PM
Hi All
I just saw the USCIS GC approval email notice - EB2-I - Dec 20'th 2005 Priority Date
I have same issue as few others have. I'm not married yet. I have applied for GC and luckily the GC has been approved (when I really don't want it to be approved). ... Trust me I was praying god all the time.
My priority date is EB2-I Dec 20'th 2005 and god knows how they approved it much before every one else. When all others really want their GC's.
There are lots people who are in queue with Jan 2004 and later priority dates and whose cases are still pending... How could they approve my case so soon...
I have scheduled for a travel to India on August 15'th 2008 to get married. I wanted to marry and get my wife to USA. I 'm engaged with girl at India and all set for marriage this month (August 2008).
I believe my H1-B has been automatically canceled on immediate approval of GC.
How do I get my future wife to USA?. What are the options left out to me now?.
Please excuse me if this is a duplicate thread. I'm really in hurry and could not check all threads properly.
I just saw the USCIS GC approval email notice - EB2-I - Dec 20'th 2005 Priority Date
I have same issue as few others have. I'm not married yet. I have applied for GC and luckily the GC has been approved (when I really don't want it to be approved). ... Trust me I was praying god all the time.
My priority date is EB2-I Dec 20'th 2005 and god knows how they approved it much before every one else. When all others really want their GC's.
There are lots people who are in queue with Jan 2004 and later priority dates and whose cases are still pending... How could they approve my case so soon...
I have scheduled for a travel to India on August 15'th 2008 to get married. I wanted to marry and get my wife to USA. I 'm engaged with girl at India and all set for marriage this month (August 2008).
I believe my H1-B has been automatically canceled on immediate approval of GC.
How do I get my future wife to USA?. What are the options left out to me now?.
Please excuse me if this is a duplicate thread. I'm really in hurry and could not check all threads properly.
11-03 09:19 AM
EB2 likes visa bulletin predictions.
EB3 does not.
That explains the green or red in my opinion.
EB3 does not.
That explains the green or red in my opinion.
01-31 02:03 PM
Well, everyone wishes the rumour to be true.
But you know what, to realize the increase in fees for the I-485, they should allow people to file for it. Unless people start filing for I-485's they are not going to make the $2billion in 2 yrs. If retrogression continues, guess the fee increase doesn't make much sense.... Not sure whether I am right or wrong here.
Well, you are bringing up a very good point. May be we can setup a webfax event to USCIS, for allowing us to I-485 even if PD is not current, so that they can reap the exact benefit of this fees hike.
Core members - what say you???
But you know what, to realize the increase in fees for the I-485, they should allow people to file for it. Unless people start filing for I-485's they are not going to make the $2billion in 2 yrs. If retrogression continues, guess the fee increase doesn't make much sense.... Not sure whether I am right or wrong here.
Well, you are bringing up a very good point. May be we can setup a webfax event to USCIS, for allowing us to I-485 even if PD is not current, so that they can reap the exact benefit of this fees hike.
Core members - what say you???