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  • bobbydalal
    08-21 04:32 PM
    luvchoclates ,
    Hi first of all hats off to u for what u doing for someone whom u r even not related. All i can say is its really hard for someof these pepole to b in ur shoes n do half not more of what u have done. All i can say is i know of a real top notch lawyer and who has got green card done for most of my employees and is really good at what she does. U can either email me at vaishconsulting@hotmail.com and ill give u her # and put in a word to her for u and go frm there.
    all the best

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  • paskal
    01-26 02:46 AM
    dear friend,

    we would all like something to happen. but not everything is in our hands. nor do these things happen easily or quickly. the issues involved are now deeply emotional and political. much of what goes on is in the background and not for public consumption. there is a certain expectancy over immigration reform this year, we cannot afford to waste the sliver of opportunity that may present.
    let me put two things to you simply:

    1. if you keep waiting for "good news" to make your contribution, and if enough people think like you, well maybe it will never come. you see, the whole thing about iv is that we are trying to make our own destiny. without effort there will be no fruits. many people are making significant efforts, may be you have missed that on your visits to the forum. without the help of many more though, we are sunk.

    2. your contribution is intended to create "good news", it is not some reward you hand out after success begins. i realize that you are feeling low and frustrated. please join this effort in earnest- the best way to feel positive is to know you are making your utmost effort. not just money, bring in members and join a state chapter, meet lawmakers and help with campaigns on the forum. If everyone did these things, we would be unstoppable.

    please think about it. you have been waiting for months to see results from others hard work. maybe it's time to jump right in.
    thanks for reading...

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  • sathyaraj
    03-07 12:16 PM
    I have sent the required employment letter to my HR. Let me see whrther they will sign it or not. I am hoping for the best. I have waited long to change my employer. It have been with them for almost 7 yrs. I am hoping for a big change.

    The funny thing is that they are doing my H1B transfer, but still worried about this letter. The HR contact I have does not have much idea about these H1b/Gc process. He gets scared for everything.

    Hopefully everything would work out well.

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  • alex99
    04-07 05:04 PM
    HI BharatPremi,

    Thanks for your response.
    are the cases with 'Received Regional Office' status should be counted as Certified cases?.



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  • singhsa3
    03-03 12:40 PM
    Please note that this site is visited by approximately 400-500 regular visitors daily. Though the sample size is here small but the idea is compelling and the potential is very real
    Some of the statistics can be found at http://www.foreignlaborcert.doleta.gov/pdf/PERM_Data_FY07_Announcement.pdf

    Green card process overview:
    Stage 1: Labor Certification (or the PERM process) => Government scrutinize that qualified citizens are not available to perfom the "highly skilled" job.
    Stage 2: I-140 stage=> Government scrutnize that the person for which immigrant visa is sought is elligible and the company has ability to pay his salary
    Stage 3 : I-485 or Adjustment of status : Now the immigrant waits for the visa number to be available and adjust his status to that of a permanent resident.

    Most of us are in stage 3.

    We are stuck in stage 3 waiting because of very small immigration quota's that were set decades ago which are completely out of line with real supply-demand for the size of todays high-tech workforce. In addition USCIS inefficiency has resulted in them not utilizing even this tiny quota fully, in the past few years.
    Getting a mortgage is a lot easier if our immigration status is permanent. In this final stage of immigration most of us have work authorization that needs to be renewed every year, and mortgage/Finance companies dont accept that.

    Futher reading on our proposal to the government: http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showthread.php?t=16506


    Objective of this poll:
    a) To assess if the idea has any strength
    b) Invite media attention to the issue
    c) Develop a task force to float this idea around.

    Folks, even if 10% of us ended up buying a house, that is 100,000 more buyers in the market.
    Some of us had their mortgage application rejected on the grounds that EAD is valid for only one year, even though their credit history, down payment, income stability are upto the mark.

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  • venky321
    08-22 09:36 AM
    Seriously, why are you giving OP such a hard time? She only came here looking for help.
    I am not sure if she is illegal or not, but atleast you could have told her that politely instead of taunting her with it.

    OP, just so you know, the majority of the posters here have to endure long long waits for their US green cards, greater than 10 years sometimes. Because of that they tend to become hyper sensitive when it comes to immigration matters, especially when they think someone is stepping out of line and trying to manipulate the system. Dont mean to imply at all , thats what you are doing.

    Your case is too complicated and I haven't come across such a scenario; I'd suggest talking to an attorney; while it might be expensive, some attorneys might be willing to talk to you free for a few minutes, for a basic consultation. Atleast you may find out if you are legal or not.


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  • ajthakur
    07-14 06:44 PM
    I dont remember that. I saw my online profile with USCIS just now. There is a LUD for yesterday 07/13/2008 on my 140 approved in 2006.

    Do you see any LUD change on your I-140 after you changed employers?

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  • addsf345
    12-10 07:49 PM
    you hit the nail ... this is the biggest reason ...We are just too many and everyone wants to come to US

    don't you think that working towards removing unfair country quota in skilled category would be faster & easier than population control?

    Now that you are enlighted about being one among too many, are you planning to go back, and reduce backlog for others?

    Also, when talking about reducing indian population, I hope that you do not agree with what 10 pakistanis tried to do in mumbai few days back!!! That is one very bad way of reducing population! I would prefer load balancing i.e. moving some ppl to part of world where population is not so much. This is called immigration.

    Jokes apart, we need to seriously highlight the fact that as there is no country quota in H1B, since it is a skilled category visa, similarly there should be no country quota in skill based immigration too. We are given visas as their industry need us, but they do not care if we suffer for years. It is nothing but simply 'DESCRIMINATION" based on country of birth.

    Ask this question: Is it a crime to be born in certain country? Do we all have choice to do so? If it is not a crime, why we are being punished?

    Do we have guts to fight that??? we can only talk about some stupid solutions like control indian population and in just next 100 years there will be no retrogression for indians. Some one would also suggest indians must not to study and remain uneducated, so you won't come here under skilled quota and voila - no retrogression!!! but the fact is, we have no unity, no guts and no willingness to stand up for our community. IV is the only effort I have seen in years in right direction.


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  • cps060
    03-19 06:13 PM
    Thanks for the information.
    Does this mean that if my spouse wants to start school in Sept 2007, it is fine to keep working till August 2007, file I539 change of status to H4 then and then resign from the company once one gets that receipt notice. With the receipt notice itself its good to be in status and can go to school then. The actual approval may come in 3-4 months and that should not be a consideration for the school.

    Please tell me your views/experiences.

    H1 is a non immigrant but dual intent visa.. It is assumed that you might try to immigrate...When your spouse filed I-140 , the immigration intent came forth.. Now USCIS already knows that your spouse wnts to immigrate...
    F1 is a strictly non-immigrant visa. You have to prove your intention of not immigrating to USCIS....
    So your position for asking a H1 to F1 transfer is inherently weak....Again a good attorney can spin it....You need a an extremely good attorney....

    If you are paying out of your pocket, you can go to college on H4..
    Student loans are not available on H4...No financial aid of any kind would be available on H4...

    Transferring from H1 to H4 should be quick....I would not bother to file in premium...You are to stop working anyway....Just getting an application receipt should be good enough to start college....If the college allows, you can start college immediately....USCIS never objects to you going to college
    as long as you can pay....

    I know all this because I did the research when my wife started her college..Should finish this may..

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  • rustum
    08-21 12:03 AM
    My company filed EAD for me and my wife along with 485 recently. I am on L1 and My wife is on L2. Is is possible to file one more EAD on L2 status. Looks like, we can get EAD on L2 faster than EAD with 485. My company attorney is suggesting me not to file one more EAD because one with 485 is pending with USCIS. Is it ok to file one more with L2? how long it will take to get EAD on 485 and EAD on L2.


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  • krishna.ahd
    01-30 01:21 PM
    Unpaid bench means you are "Out of Status". Not illegal.

    When you are present in the country after your I-94 has expired, then you are illegal.

    There are 3 things guaranteed in life: Death, Taxes and unpaid bench when working for a desi company.

    Whether you will go on bench or not depends completely on you, your skills, your willingness to find jobs across the country (not just where you live), your willingness to travel and the biggest factor : Market conditions. Right now, the market is good, and if you live in a big city with good opportunities, and if your skills are good, then you may be able to find a project wherever you live.

    If the whole thing doesnt work out, then you can always go back on H4.( If you stop working, you have to file for H1 to H4 transfer also, its not automatic, many people have learned this the hard way)

    About stamping, well, that's a question I really dont know the answer to. I have not heard of many examples or questions about what happens when a person on valid H4 applies for a H1 stamp. Someone here, if he/she has experience may be able to answer.
    Very well said locilife (about the things guaranteed in life)
    Double (triple??) check about the desi consulting compnay and their ability to get you the project.

    Good Luck.
    "When the going gets tough, the tough gets going"

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  • nogc_noproblem
    09-26 01:49 PM
    Sent the mail to Editor


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  • meridiani.planum
    03-13 11:51 AM
    Has any one working on EAD experienced delays in renewals and how does HR department react to such delay's. Least on H1 it is clear that you can work for 8 months on receipt.

    where I work one of two things happen:
    - HR department is clueless about EAD expiry date, so people can continue to (illegally) work once EAD expires before the new EAD comes. Or they can choose to tell HR and stop working.

    - If hte case is handled by company attorneys (some AC-21 folks have stuck to their own attorneys), then company attorney sends a mail to HR saying its illegal for tha tperson to work starting from so-and-so date, and that person is put on unpaid leave starting that date.

    File the extension as soon as possible (120 days) and then start praying you get it before th eold one expires.

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  • gcdreamer05
    10-20 01:31 PM
    Obama or Mccain or Joe the plumber whoever becomes the next president, the bottom line is, nothing is going to happen with regards to reforms for legal immigration atleast for teh first 1-2 years. So we are all still going to keep posting in IV forums, predicting VB dates and fighting between Eb2 and Eb3..... that is really the sad reality....... because these guys have far more important issues to deal and to steer titanic america.......


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  • desi3933
    01-30 09:07 PM
    She has worked only 1 month in 2009 this will be reflected on 2009 w-2. I have couple of questions:

    Will she be considered as "out of status" from Feb 1 to April end?


    Before I answer your questions, I have couple of them -

    Will she get paid starting Feb 1st? If no, why not. Please explain.
    Will she on unpaid leave?
    Will she still be Full Time Employee?

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  • Jaime
    09-10 12:44 PM
    Your children grew up in the U.S. as Americans, and are going to college, but they "age out" and thus become uninelligible to obtain a green card through you! - Your family gets into grave danger of being split up, or else choose to uproot the entire family and take them to your home country, which to them is a strange foreign land where they have no friends.


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  • mirage
    02-03 08:17 AM
    I know ROW country may not like this thread, but look at EB-3 India or China, put yourself in our shoes and than you may realize how unfair this country is. In this unprecedented financial turmoil, I feel there are very remote chances for CIR or any package which increase immigration etc would pass, I am taking this initiative to gather as many people I can and go to washington. Again this is not an IV effort. If you are with me , you can spare some time or few days in Washington, please PM me. our sole agenda is bring a 2 line bill to remove country quota...

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  • HV000
    02-14 12:51 PM
    That is not true.. Let me explain.. I want to give you an example to illustrate what the issue is: Think of a grocery check out line and let us assume for a moment that there are seperate counters for Indians, Chinese, Phill, MEX, ROW. So there are 5 counters. What is happening right now is that the queque for Indians and chinese and other retrogressed countries is long and snakes thru the aisles and they have to wait hours before they can check out, whereas ROW applicants can check out in minutes.
    So it is not like Indians, or other retrogressed countries will consume all EB visas, If there were no country quotas. it is just that the waiting time to get one will be equal for everyone, irrespective of country of birth. That is how it should be, since it is an employment based visa..
    The logic of employment based visas is that it was created to give visas (GC) to the applicants that were most needed by the US Employers at any given time. If the most qualified applicants that US employers prefer happen to be phillipinoes or chinese or Indians, that would mean there are more of those nationals.

    Using your analogy, the more Indians, Chinese, Mexicans, Filipinos stand in the checkout, the lesser the chance for ROW people to get through the checkout. So, how can you say the waiting time will be EQUAL for everyone?

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  • pappu
    07-01 09:32 PM
    At this time, IV is analyzing the impact of the speculation around the July visa bulletin closure, and is reaching out to attorneys, including AILA and planning next steps. tomorrow being a working day will also help us get more information and opportunity to reach appropriate levels of government . We will share more information with you as soon as there are developments. In the meanwhile, you should go about business as usual, and file your 485/140 applications as planned.

    IMPORTANT: At this time, you are encouraged to update your user profiles on IV with the most current information and the best way to reach you. If we have an urgent action item, we may also send newsletters to all members.

    11-01 01:28 AM

    10-20 11:47 AM
    Well said... no other explaination is needed.

    Do you all ever wonder why 1996 to 2000 was great and the economy never went to quite the 2000 levels? It is because of useless wars and getting the job shipped to other countries. That is the republican agenda. If you think you will have a better chance of green card under Republican rule, you are sadly mistaken. The economy will continue to go down, while there will be another Iran war to turn the attention from problems with economy. We need someone who can think clear and be steady. It doesn't matter if the republicans have pro immigration stance or not. The economy is going to dictate if companies are going to keep us employed here. You need to see the bigger picture.
    Moreover it is during the democratic president that immigration got relaxed. At one point the H1 quota was raised to 200 thousand. It takes 8 or more years to get green card under republican rule. It wasn't the case during clinton years. Before you say that it is the house/senate that decides immigration policies, republican had control from 2000 to 2006. What has been done that has our chances improved?
    If the topic posted is political, then the discussion is bound to get political.

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