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  • mwin
    05-15 02:06 PM
    You can some idea about 140jibjab by reading his old posts.

    I disagree with the first part of your statement. There are no guarantees in life. But, giving unsolicited advice especially without knowing what happened in their marital life is no good. Only he and his spouse would know what happened and it is completely up to them to decide what is good for them. He has clearly told in his post that he has given his best and it is at a point of no return. Only people who go thru this grueling experience can understand how hard it is.

    140jibjab was merely asking for help with his 485 application and if you can, please advise him on that . If not, please leave him alone.

    I am sure I am going to get a lot of red dots for this and so be it.

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  • Macaca
    09-03 09:57 AM
    Even Workers in U.S. Illegally Pay Tax Man, By Miriam Jordan | WALL STREET JOURNAL, April 4, 2007
    From Confiscating Contributions (http://www.nilc.org/immlawpolicy/CIR/socialsecurity_confcontrib_2007-05-01_iru.pdf) By JONATHAN BLAZER | Public Benefits Policy Attorney and JOSH BERNSTEIN | Director of Federal Policy, May 10, 2007

    Peter Goss, Social Security’s Chief Actuary, has estimated that three quarters of undocumented immigrants pay payroll taxes. This generates $6 to $7 billion per year in Social Security tax revenue and $1.5 billion in Medicare taxes.
    According to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, undocumented noncitizens paid almost $50 billion in federal taxes from 1996 to 2003. Recent reports from across the country indicate that during the 2007 tax season, record numbers of undocumented people filed tax returns.
    As IRS Commissioner Mark Everson, a former immigration official, stated in testimony before Congress last year, “If someone is working without authorization in this country, he or she is not absolved of tax liability.” In a more recent speech to the National Press Club, Everson added, “We want your money whether you are here legally or not and whether you earned it legally or not.”

    Tax returns rise for immigrants in U.S. Illegally (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/16/nyregion/16immig.html?_r=1&oref=slogin) By Nina Bernstein | New York Times, Aprol 2006 2006
    Illegal Immigrants are bolstering Social Security with Billions (http://www.nytimes.com/2005/04/05/business/05immigration.html) By Educardo Porter | New York Times, April 5 2005

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  • pani_6
    05-30 10:07 AM
    I applied on May18 for I-140 and will be applying to I485 soon.. and would get EAD...so what happens to EAD and AP...I cant beleive they are
    waste..Probabaly people with pending I-140 will be subject to the new systems..??..what do you guys think??..Its not pratical to drive people down the Queue again..

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  • lordoftherings
    07-17 12:13 PM
    I would not call you pessimistic. You are SELFISH. Sure you do not share the same enthu because this announcement does not offer you anything. Grow up and feel for others. Everyone knows that there will be a backlog and that is an issue we have to deal with once we get there.
    You are more SELFISH than anybody else and you lack farsight. You are the one just thinking about yourself only. What will happen to all those old guys whose labour is stuck in backlog centers. If they can't get to file this month, they have to wait for another 6 yrs before visas become available. What will happen to new filers who plan to file GC soon. They have to wait forever.


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  • qtoask
    06-20 12:05 PM
    please update here http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showthread.php?t=5379

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  • sayantan76
    05-10 12:33 PM
    There is something seriously wrong here.....one gets red dots for even simply truthfully recording answers to some questions asked by administrator......or are the red dots simply to protest/ express displeasure with the fact that my GC process was not as difficult as some other people.......its like "misery likes company" - i am miserable bcos i dont have a GC and hence am pissed off at this guy who despite not being crazy about GC got his in 7 months.........so i will give him red dots..............

    Guys - get over it.........look at the general tone of posts from all on this particular thread - GC did not make any "big" change to most folks.......

    For the more rational beings - i genuinely hope that you get your gcs within reasonable wait times and the waiting time does not take away from the personal and professional successes you deserve!


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  • India_USA
    07-13 09:40 AM
    Guys, there is real substance to what oscarzumaran says as well......

    It is not fair to shout at him unless u understand the issue bereft of any emotions.

    I think the AZ is the right thing to force illegal immigrants out of AZ since its bringing the economy down to its knees.

    Moreover the AZ law is excatly the same as the current Federal law, its just that AZ is implementing it thru a state law, so why shd the feds object to it.

    If you folks think that AZ law is wrong then why should other sanctuary states who prevent illegals from been sent back be allowed to pre-empt the fed law , even these states should be challenged.

    We legal citizens are required by fed law to carry legal docs at any time(even though u may not like it), AZ is just enforcing the law

    IV is all about legal immigration and does not support illegal immigration as I know it, Its a folly to think that if we support the feds they will support legal immigration and give GC's faster......Can anyone be 100% sure that the politicians will not drop the legal provisions from CIR just to get some votes to get the illegal immigrations laws in CIR thru......havent u seen how the healthcare bill was passed

    How could you all support illegals when u are here legally? would you let pakistanis enter India without Visas or let palestines into Isreal just like that?, would Mexico allow Asians into their country just like that, heck NO.

    Stop criticizing folks for stating their point of view, each one has a right to his opinion, so does oscarzumaran.

    I dont care if you give some reds, hope oscarzumaran will compensate with some greens :)

    I think you are missing the point cbpds.........Oscarzumaran is entitled to his opinion and so are others. What many of us are trying to say is that don't express them here. IV team has repeatedly said that antagonizing any other immigration based group (illegal, family based, asylum, even anti immigrants!!) does not help us in our march to get what we want. By talking ill of the other group, we are actually hurting ourselves. Time and time again, it has been proved that being united works better compared to being divided. Why do we want to gain the wrath of any group unnecessarily? Its not like IV is working on undocumented issues........

    Anybody can have any opinion he/she chooses to have. But don't share the opinion in a forum where the leaders are requesting/asking not to do so for the good of our advocacy.

    And also, IV is for legal immigrants. Period. I don't believe it has a stand on illegal immigration. Period. There is a huge difference between the two.

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  • sameer2730
    11-20 03:56 PM
    How about anyone with a US Masters no matter if it was obtained before filing the GC or just last month? Almost everyone I know has got some US masters in the meantime over the past 5-7 years. The queue will not move if the provision just includes a degree. In fact a lot of EB3 India would benefit since most of us got a masters in the meantime even if it was something like some MBA or information systems management.

    Sure the queue will be shorter if people with masters got a GC just as it will be if all spillover goes to the most waiting applicant first, not to mention it will be fairer.
    So essentially this talk about US masters is just a self-serving way to jump the queue. There is no crab mentality here. Just trying push ones own importance using any pretext whatsoever.


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  • sc3
    05-13 07:33 PM
    Please check with both Immigration attorney (for 485 withdrawal), and a divorce lawyer in India.

    I believe that if the marriage was conducted in India, but US court issues the divorce decree, such decree is not automatically recognized in India. You might have to file for such a decree in India too.

    Personally, withdrawing now, and reapplying is a better option. You will be playing Russian roulette if you decide to wait for some time to "withdraw" -- as USCIS could suddenly make dates current (remember last year), and approve a bunch of application. Of course, consult an Immigration lawyer to see if you can withdraw and re-use the same application (140) later. If not, withdraw and start a new GC (using current 140 as basis for priority date) -- you could even get a EB2 classification.

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  • ronhira
    07-08 06:13 PM
    That might be customary in your Mexico. :D

    i figured u won't have a clue that this is a quote form the founding father of The United States of America - Ben Franklin.

    hey.... how would you know?


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  • gc_chahiye
    01-03 09:21 PM
    A freind of mine came across a gentleman, who is here on work visa and he is facing a unique problem. He is married to two persons and wants to bring his whole family here in the USA. He was looking for answer if he can get both his spouses and kids here on H4 visas. Currently both of them and his kids are in India. Interesting hmmm :D

    Maybe he can come under asylum or refugee status; after all he also probably has two mother-in-laws there and that should qualify. One is bad enough, but TWO?

    Its hard to maintain such a situation (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0205968/), he will have to make a call and decide on a winner (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0207341/).

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  • Libra
    08-22 11:06 AM
    people are interested in polling july receipts threads but no one is interested in polling bus ride threads.

    Guys, if you belong to any of the states in the following links please poll, participate in rally on sept 18th in DC.





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  • GCSOON-Ihope
    09-14 03:52 PM
    Here are a few reasons why I want to get the gc:
    1) freedom to change jobs to make a higher salary so that I don't have to work two H1 jobs simultaneously
    2) freedom to change your career track into another area, which cannot be done even with AC21 (job has to be essentially the same position)
    3) freedom to travel out of the country and back in without going to Canada/Mexico each year for revalidation, for not only personal but even urgent busines trips. I get to see my family and friends, and not spend hundreds of $ in govt and legal fees
    4) freedom to quit a job because the company/boss sucks
    5) freedom to make enough money so that I can take a break from any job for a while (yes, this is actually a possibility if you have a well-enough paying job)
    6) freedom to have one's dependents take advantage of benefits like in-state tuition, and other benefits residency brings
    7) and finally freedom from the immense stress that I will lose my job and consequently all the time I have spent waiting for my gc, perhaps uproot myself and have to return to a place where I may not necessarily feel is home anymore

    So am I doing what I really want?

    I completely agree with you, especially regarding point #7...
    It's not about money but more about the personal hopes, commitments, everything we already emotionaly invested by coming to this country...
    To me, holding that GC in my hand would mean that I haven't gone through all the ordeals I have gone through so far for no reason...

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  • drona
    08-27 07:04 PM
    To IV members who are within driving distance of DC and are not committing to attending the rally, please have a look at this poll and see that there are people flying thousands of miles to attend this rally all the way west from California.

    Please take a day off and attend the DC rally. There are many major world issues and US issues at the forefront of discussions in Washington. We have one tiny slot to make our voices heard. This is our chance. If you are taking one day off, it is only one day. Work extra hours on the other four working days in the week. Act now, take this one important day off and join the rally in DC.

    Join us on September 18th in Washington DC.

    CA Members voting NO in this Poll, we are going to CALL, EMAIL, PM you to change your mind.

    CA Members voting YES, you are all superstars! Please remember to edit your profiles and select "YES" - I am attending the DC Rally. This will enable you to receive the latest updates on the rally from IV Core.


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  • tinku01
    02-12 11:22 AM
    Initially these facilities not provided to CP filers because it used be fast in comparison of 485 filers but now due to this retrogression CP filers are also waiting in queue with 485 filers and not even getting any reliefe I would say they are in very bad situation compare to 485 filers.

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  • needhelp!
    09-02 09:28 AM
    I wish I was in DC to do this! Texas is looking dryer by the day, and I am SICK of the excuses I heard.

    Door-to-door is a great idea! We need to do WHATEVER IT TAKES! We have the opportunity right now! Let's not let s pass!!


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  • logiclife
    02-20 08:27 PM
    I recant my earlier outburst at mercies since I realize that he was acting as a messenger to the problem. Sorry for the offense mercies.

    There are many people who would just run away from effort when doubts are raised and since people of afraid of being punished for just advocating a public policy or writing a letter to congress in the first place. I would request you to not reproduce posts here or on portal that would echo the material the plants fear and doubts among members.


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  • eb3_nepa
    06-05 01:56 PM
    Since the H-1 will be cancelled by the previous employer, the answer is No.

    I am more curious to know if you can use the EAD in conjunction with the H1B (working 2 jobs 1 on H1B and one on EAD).

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  • coopheal
    05-30 11:52 AM
    Could someone put a good summary of this bill on wiki.

    01-11 08:24 PM
    26000 members but only 33 voted so far, come on guys we can do better than this. spend 5 mins on weeked and send your letters to President and IV.

    02-03 06:24 AM
    :phil: heehee...

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