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  • Jaime
    09-11 01:12 PM
    This aint my fight... This aint your fight..
    We need to come together & let our voices be heard!!!
    Come to DC...
    There is very little time & lots to achieve...

    There are miles to go before I sleep.....Well said! This is OUR fight! Let's go guys! EVERYONE TO DC!!!!

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  • DDD
    03-13 06:44 PM
    I voted eilsoe. The reason being his model and render seems more fundamentally sound. Thirdworldwoman's was cool but the proportions were off. All in good work all of ya'll

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  • ajthakur
    07-14 06:50 PM
    How can you say dates will become current when I send the response.This could be a blessing for you.As your 485 file is now open depending upon your reply if IO is convinced he could easily mail out the GC to you as your dates would be current by the time he looks into your reply.Consult an attorney to frame a correct reply.
    Good luck.

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  • lord_labaku
    07-11 12:50 PM
    I dont think USCIS intends to take out the visa numbers for them.

    DOS (who publishes the visa bulletin) wants USCIS to take out the numbers....but USCIS sits all day scratching their bottoms & not approving any cases with current priority dates.

    P.S : Pardon my crassness; but people waiting in line would definitely understand frustration.


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  • srkamath
    07-13 05:12 PM
    They adjudicated lot more 485s than 25 K last year. This massive adjudication was the reason behind threatened withdrawal of July 07 bulletin.

    Yes, they can do a lot more than 25 k in 2 months.
    EB2 folks, please get prepared for RFEs - a few possibilities.
    1. Medicals, outdated physicals, PPD positive etc.
    2. Passport expired since applying for I-485 last summer.
    3. Father's or Mother's name misspelled.
    4. DOB discrepancies.
    5. Translations of documents
    6. Find those old pay-stubs, bank records, W2s, I-20s
    7. Google yourself and your spouse.

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  • Hermione
    09-26 10:44 AM

    How confident are you to call them "Ignorant".... It could be very planned and calculative agenda. Writer writes in CNN. Never ever be ignorant about their tactful agenda, capacity and wilful application of the polity.[QUOTE]

    Yeah, and everyone is out there to get you.

    Honestly, I think it is a waste of time to try to educate Americans what is what in immigration system. We need to push for our issues by proving why it is a good thing for the country, and not get caught up in this vs that. OK, so you convince the editor that the rally was not about H1Bs. All he will do is wack the sentence about the rally out of the article, because now it does not refer to the topic of the article, which is about H1 visas. Would that be an achievement? Hardly.


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  • indianindian2006
    07-14 06:49 PM
    Is it possible they are trying to adjudicate my 485. I am EB2 India PD: JAN 2006.

    This could be a blessing for you.As your 485 file is now open depending upon your reply if IO is convinced he could easily mail out the GC to you as your dates would be current by the time he looks into your reply.Consult an attorney to frame a correct reply.
    Good luck.

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  • StarSun
    02-02 08:28 AM
    Members who have pledged airline miles or stay in the registration form, please use this thread.


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  • psaxena
    11-17 06:25 PM
    And you are a perfect desi... who wants to get everything without giving anything and to add on to that provoke others and distract them.

    Nothing is free, and nothing will happen over night. It takes time and political to get these things done.

    Think for a second ..
    how many members are there on IV = More than 30000
    How many donate = less than 200 give or take
    How many yell and suggest and expect that core will leave everything and start working on the suggestion = Everyone

    Now if you are in this situation , where you are not even responsible to do anything for anyone(like desi politician)... would you even do what IV is doing? No, forget that you won't even think of creating IV.

    So you know my next sentence.. keep it low and be out .. or sober up and get in line and be the one to do the right thing so that you can look into your eyes in the mirror next time.

    IV is acting like a desi politician.. paisa do and shut up..we know what we are doing....they refuse to even entertain such alternate remedies.

    like i had said in my earlier post.. If you pay a BYTCH.. she will sing what you want to hear..hence the fake promises of CIR being a reality..and all.. (remember that 588x bill fiasco) and NOW we know..from the horses mouth.. CIR is dead for the near foreseeable future.

    So i think we should pursue alternate reliefs with immediate effect.

    just my 2cents.

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  • lordoftherings
    07-04 07:47 PM
    Yes, if all this is true, then going the lawsuit way is not the right step. They should now use this to force USCIS make some changes. One of them would allowing to file I-485 right after I-140 approval irrespective of whatever the PD is. When PDs become current the processing will start. This change will give releif to a lot of victims and future filers.


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  • kouhsik69
    03-09 01:20 PM
    Rao Baba is in hibernate mode.............::D....

    Good Bulletin keep it up......INS:mad:

    PD Jan 2002

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  • chmur
    09-11 03:04 PM
    EB3-ROW Pending per Aug 2009 I-485 Inventory ~ 63K
    The EB3-ROW Demand for October 2010 ~ 45K.
    So actually backlog reduction for EB3 ROW has just been 18 K (much less than the 30K they should get). I don't see where you are seeing the overflow.
    The total Pending in Aug 2009 was
    EB2 ALL- 75K. EB3 all -151K . So total ~ 225K
    The demand data today is EB2 = 34K(this is only I/C, no ROW demand)
    Demand for EB3 = 136K.
    So even though reduction in backlog is significant (225K- 170K =55K). It is not going to all categories evenly.

    And unless USCIS comes up with a smarter way to determine demand data other than counting pending I-485, once this demand goes to zero they will have to advance EB2 I/C dates. Now they can be smart and advance it by 6 months to not open up floodgates and test the post 2007 demand, or just follow the rule blindly that supply > demand and the category is current. Either way, the law prevents any spillover from a category unless it is current and EB2 I/C is not getting current in 2-3 years.

    I also want to believe like you that the hidden demand post 2007 for EB2I/C + EB3 ROW is as low as possible. And we won't know about the exact number till USCIS does a better job of reporting approved I-140 by country.

    Check with latest Inventory data - 05/2010

    Also - where can i get the demand data you are referring to ??


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  • vdlrao
    09-26 02:43 PM
    Dear Reader,

    Thank you for your interest in FSB. We admit that there was a
    mischaracterization of the Capitol Hill rally in the story and it was
    corrected as soon we realized the error.

    We have changed the story to correctly identify the mission as a protest of
    the long delays in securing green cards for highly-skilled workers already
    in the U.S.

    We will work to avoid errors like this in the future.

    Best regards,


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  • BlueSunD
    03-04 01:39 PM
    Ladies & gentlemen, we are now 6 days away from the due date!

    Hope to see the completed versions of the wips we�ve seen so far, and maybe, of some we haven�t! ;)

    Goodluck to everybody!


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  • mlvats
    06-10 10:18 PM
    thanks very much

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  • franklin
    07-02 11:16 PM
    I strongly believe that the little funds that IV receives should be used for more productive means than spending even more money on a website.

    Maintaining a website that multiple people go to isn't going to get us very far at all, other than answering the same question multiple times. Using that money to pay for a lobbying firm, or trips to DC, or media coverage is way more productive and is far more likely to get actual results.


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  • tb2904
    12-27 10:34 AM
    I posted the following details in other thread -

    ************************************************** *******
    Here are the options to fly back to your home country:

    1. Fly directly to your home country - No transit visa required and no valid US visa required

    2. Fly via any other country - No transit visa required as long as you are not stranded in airport due to delay in first leg of the flight. Also, to board a plane to Europe you have to have a valid US visa.

    Here are my past experiences:

    1. I had a valid US visa and I was traveling from Cincinnati to New Delhi via Paris on Air France. My flight from Cincinnati got delayed and I missed my connecting flight in Paris. All the passengers that had the green card or US citizenship were allowed to stay in Hotel outside the airport. But, since I am an Indian national and did not have a transit visa, France custom officer told me that I am "illegally" in France. He was nice guy and advised me to stay the night at the airport terminal and board the plane to India next day.

    2. My US visa on my passport expired and I had the H1 extension papers with me. I was traveling on Air France from Cincinnati to New Delhi and my flight was via Paris. The airline staff at Cincinnati did not allow me to board the plane as I did not have a valid US visa on my passport. I had to drive down to Chicago to get the transit visa.

    3. My US visa on my passport expired. I flew directly from NY to New Delhi on Continental. No questions asked.
    ************************************************** *******

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  • ysnraju
    04-22 11:26 AM
    In my Opinion all non-immigrant s require to get the comprehensive conclusion on the STRIVE Act first before going through.
    STRIVE Act is to reform the deficiencies in current Immigration policies so that it streamlines the immigration process and makes easy for the immigrants to join their families and also make the kids of non-immigrants who were bought to this country of not their knowledge/ choice able to work �
    If the immigration process is proper there is no requirement for the people to come here and work illegally. Under new work process this illegal immigration can be resolved is the Point brought through these STRIVE Act.
    Some of IV members getting to these meetings and keep saying I am legal and not able to get visa because there is no visa numbers available. It directly implicates that if there are Visa numbers available we are not here to support this.
    In reality that is true if you happen to see the people who already went through the process, they always say/wonder why they are making the process so simple. In some occasions when the Labor certification process is made premium processing the questions/comments raised by GC holders is, why they are making this process so simple/ OO they are giving the LC just like that etc. once the GC is in hand no one will talk about anything.
    Off these so called 12 million Illegal people can make the country aware of these problems in one moment and they can make the country stand still by calling a day or more off the work. In other hand, we so called high skilled immigrants (prefer calling high labor) they never, able to make this aware off. Not able to call a single day off the work. Even if they do they will make sure that nothing feels the absence giving automate script etc. Under legal doing illegal work is this high labor. Take consensus and you will find at least higher percentage will say they are always work more than 40 hrs a week. Which does legally illegal work? In other hand illegal but doing legal work in this country is the illegal immigrants they work for by hour and if they work an hour extra they collect for that also.
    We always want the process from higher level, want to meet Law makers and want them to reform and understand the issue. But always forget the basic the Law makers are made by people. Did we had a chance to make the people understand this? Higher percentage of companies in this country employ immigrants and leaving the few exceptional company at most 10% of the work force in average is immigrants. So did we any time educated the reset of 90% our co-workers? We never do go and ask them they will start ask you what is work visa?
    So we never try to make the people around us aware of the issue but we want founds to meet lawmakers, and make them understand. So instead how much you are donating, how many people around you making aware of the issue is better. Did you manage to educate 90% of your company aware of this issue is very important.
    If you want really a change, start wearing protest black badge till the law is reformed and start educate the people around to aware of the issue. Possible meet your company top level people and make them aware of. Among these there will be lot of people kids, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, spouses, friends of law makers who can chat with them without appointment. Of these there are many hidden people who can pull the strings in so many unknown ways. At that point you are not half million your strength is multiplied people are aware of this.
    Of the all my request is please do not behave that Visa numbers are not available so I am here. Do not put the behavior before Gate Pass something and after the Pass what is this type.

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  • mmrao2007
    07-14 05:15 PM
    May be you can submit AC 21 now. Just a wild guess

    02-03 01:04 PM
    Thanks for your response. I did little digging on the H1 LCA front.Here's what I found out and I have one question too.


    Do you have any idea ,in case of RFE, what happens if we just send W2 without LCA/ with latest LCA?

    Thank you.

    Like I said before, W2 should be good enough. If you get employment letter for that period, that will be better.

    Typically LCAs are not needed, unless asked to prove H1-B status for job location and other related issues.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin

    10-16 11:52 AM
    yesterday some one left a red saying "go and sleep in your bedroom or something like that" :D,
    (which I find hilarious..because I don't exactly sleep on my couch :D:D)
    then some left a green saying "nullifying red".

    folks, I didn't leave a red for anyone (who cares abt them anyways)...don't assume immediately that I reacted.
    giving either reds or greens will not impact anyone's gc process..or change their PDs!
    Like itsnotfunny says, if you agree/disagree say it so. gave itsnotfunny a green to nullify the red.

    let me reiterate though, that I am completely opposed to flower campaign because once bitten, twice shy.
    USCIS has lot of autonomy and there is every likely of a repeat i.e july 07 part 2 as a reaction to gandhigiri part 2
    instead focus on other avenues, there is an excellent thread on FOIA in addition to the other avenues


    I mentioned very clearly that someone who didn't want to come in front did this. So definitely its not you as you wanted to express your opinion and discuss in public. I always appreciate other's suggestions as it will eventually bring us to right or better decision. I only hate people who don't want to do anything and curse people who want to do something.

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