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  • gsvisu
    07-12 11:47 AM
    All right go for CHAI after the rally !

    This is a perfectly Gandhian idea:-) (He did that in South Africa)

    Let's do it... the beer part should be postponed to some other time... presumably after all categories become C:-)

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  • english_august
    07-11 06:36 PM
    I think you guys are organizing a watershed event for skilled, legal immigrants - I wish you great success.

    I cannot emphasize the importance of alerting media to this. Media attention is not at its best over the weekend so you will have to work extra hard to make sure that you get good media coverage. I hope that someone is working on creating a press release for the event.

    While we were creating the press release for the flower campaign, we were given the following advice by a friendly journalist

    Make sure that you have a catchy slogan and title for your press release and the event
    Don't let your press release be a big mass of text. Break it down into What, Where, When and Why (refer to flower campaign PR if you need to)
    In the media contact, absolutely have at least one contact with cell phone number and name. It is important that journalists can all and talk to a person if needed
    Also have a post event press conferenceAll the best guys.

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  • kumar1
    08-25 03:01 PM
    I would like to propose your name for Nobel Prize.

    Well, you can do PD porting :D :D. Adopt a 16-17 year American citizen kid(?), and you will be good to go soon. I guess you cant really adopt people beyond 18 years, but if you can, it will be like PD-porting to EB1 !! ;)

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  • bigboy007
    04-27 11:28 PM
    For me as i did similar analysis during CIR 2007 the text of the bill looks very much similar. They had the same issues on H1/L1 except now fraud prevention... Not sure where it goes... Any idea Pappu, PPL seem to be still interested in debating H1Vs L1 etc... For sure more offshoring...


    I went through the text of the new bill vis-a-vis current INA and compared the old and the proposed act. Here are the findings -

    Section 101 - This spells disaster for all H1Bs in consulting companies (as FT or C2C) -

    by striking clause (ii) of sub-paragraph (E) of the section 212(n)(1), and then adding the new clauses under (F), they are PROHIBITING placement of H1B employees on another employer's site, period. This will affect NOT ONLY pure staffing (desi or non-desi) companies who place their W-2 H1B employees at client site, BUT ALSO big consulting companies like IBM/ACCENTURE/DELOITTE et al. No placement/leasing/outsourcing/contracting for services or otherwise at another employer, period - UNLESS a waiver is obtained, which will mean every company will need to obtain a waiver in order to do so, EFFECTIVELY ENDING ANY CONSULTING BY H1B.

    Section 102 - This spells disaster for all companies who's H1B+L1 > 50% total employees

    by inserting two new clauses (H) and (I) in section 212(n)(1), it prohibits H1B only or H1B preferred advertisements and prevents any company that employees more than 50 employees to submit NEW H1B/L1 application IF the total number of H1B and L1 employees exceeds 50% of its total employees. It also requires ANY company employing even a single H1B employee to submit W-2s of IRS. This affects ALL Indian IT companies like TCS/WIPRO/INFOSYS/COGNIZANT et al.

    remaining sections (103 onwards) are more about enforcement and investigations.

    Section 201 - This spells disaster for companies that bring in workers on L visas

    This also affects ALL Indian IT companies like TCS/WIPRO/INFOSYS/COGNIZANT et al. AS WELL AS some other companies that might bring in workers from their home country.


    In the SHORT RUN, this hurts outsourcing industry, as they need more time, and H1B/L1 resources on site to transition the work offshore, but I agree that in the LONG RUN, it will GREATLY BENEFIT AND INCREASE OUTSOURCING.

    That will indeed be a sad day. Grassley and Durbin are trying to cut the branch they are sitting on. :) This will have the exact opposite of their desired effect.

    Hope this helps.


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  • chicago60607
    09-17 12:51 PM
    FInally on recording the vote it actually failed. May be the chair wanted the amendment to pass.

    Man, I gave you a green just for the Megatron reference!

    By the way, wasn't it Starscream who says "The ayes have it" before dumping them out in space :)

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  • greencard_fever
    08-19 06:40 PM
    Yoo who the F*** is this? Gave me red dot which i really don�t care about...but said this 'It is not "Barath" u moron, it is "Bharat".. learn to spell corrrectly u idiot' ...look at you D*** head how you have spelled "correctelly" (correctly) in your comments you go learn how to spell first or better understand that its always possible of TYPO.:mad::mad::mad:


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  • gjoe
    01-30 05:19 PM
    I sent that question in for the debate about 2 weeks ago. Glad it is on the list. I cannot access this link now for some reason

    I guess we should use chances like these to get our agenda heard by the people and the govt. There are going to be atleast 3 more presidential debates we should try to get this question asked atleast in a couple of them. We can modify the question to make it more broad, but still keep the focus on legal immigration problems by highlighting it.

    PS: You have earned yourself some green ;) I mean rep points from me

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  • dollar500
    05-08 07:48 PM
    I have done a lot of research on this topic and ended up in taking Tata-AIG. Few tips I can tell:

    1. Try a high deductible: It brings down your rate significantly down. The way I saw it is, hopefully nothing will happen to my parents and for small things I have friends who can help them out. If there is something big I can afford a part of it and let insurance take care of rest.

    2. have a few extra days than what your parents are coming for: say they are coming for 90 days get one for at least 120 days. Also make sure you get policies which are renewable.

    3. Check on the insurance website if it covers hospitals in your area. I looked in one insurance where nearest hospital was 35 miles away from my home.

    4. Look for ICU and surgical coverage closely as these two coverages are the most expensive and insurances tend to not cover it.

    Hope these helps. Good luck with your parents visit. Let me know if you have questions :)


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  • coopheal
    04-21 02:06 PM
    Sent another one and its about that Moron snathan

    You are being warned. mend your ways otherwise be prepared for ban.

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  • gc_bulgaria
    11-09 09:36 PM
    Using H1B makes one safe. but how many years we want to do the safe job. If I-485 gets denied do u have enough patiences to file another green card. One thing is believe is "We are here to make money, most of us are in our thirties and we have short time remaining to reach our goals. I think we all have one year EAD. wait for 6 months then go on job hopping, learn whatever you can, get into whatever you want. Start a business, do something.... Anything you do will help you in future. Sitting with H1B in pocket may take 4 years cream of your life.
    If you have the talent you can get great salaries anywhere in the world. Because of your talents and hard work you guys are here. World is not small.

    I will use EAD soon.
    If something goes wrong, I move to Europe!


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  • nat23
    02-13 02:50 PM
    What really baffles me is the attitude of some members in this forum. They contribute $20 a month (some dont even do that) and want to be treated as a Congressman , with updates & news flashes.

    Get real people. First of all your contribution of $20 is nothing compared to what we are up against. We want to push for a change in law in a foreign country, which will impact generations of this country with a small contribution of $20.

    The point being: If you cant run the show then shut up and watch it. Give your advise when asked for and dont pretend to own it.

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  • apple
    06-11 10:27 AM
    Sorry to hear about your case. Trust me, such liability suits are extremely common these days in America, and there is no cause for alarm as long as you take all the necessary steps.

    If you had liability insurance for your auto at the time of the accident, the first thing you have to do is to call that insurance company and let them know about the lawsuit. THEY will hire and pay for a lawyer to defend you. If you want to be even more comfortable, you might also hire another defense attorney by yourself.

    The catch is, your insurance lawyer will only defend you upto the amount of liability mentioned in your insurance. If there is any judgement over that amount, your personal assets are at stake. This happens only in very very rare scenarios. Most of the times, such lawsuits are settled out-of-court. The amount mentioned in the lawsuit ($3.25 M) is totally irrelevant- what they would eventually get (if any), will be far far away from this figure.

    Assuming that there are no criminal charges, and this is a civil tort case, there will be no impact on your immigration proceedings at all.

    Make sure you take all the paperwork very seriously and do not ignore any letter/notice/deadlines. Don't even think of running away- its not worth losing your career you have worked so hard for. Unless yours is an extremely unusual case, all that you stand to lose is several nights of sleep and thats all.

    I have some links for you to look at:


    Good Luck!

    Thx for the response..

    I am already in touch with my insurance claim representative. He told that the insurance's attorney will be responding to the suit and requested me the send the papers asap (which I am going to do today). and they will take care of attorney's expenses.

    One more thing that he clearly told is, that they can pay up to $50K and beyond that I have to take care.

    -- I don't have any assets here(like shares, house etc)
    -- Though I have a house in my country(not sure that would be counted as asset here in this case)
    -- Even my bank balance is minimal

    I already went thru lots of pain since the accident, and when I thought its all over, it is coming back..Hope I will be able to pass this test, as it is not as complicated as long waiting of GC :)


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  • amslonewolf
    11-11 01:36 PM
    Very well said.. How many EB- 485 applications have been rejected after following all the app requirements (like PD is current before applying, correct fees etc)..

    I-485 is mostly about the eligibility of the individual (like medical, illegal presence, fraud etc.) and so getting rejected at I-485 stage is not that common (especially after the approval of the underlying immigration petition). And if it does get rejected, more often than not, the individual may never be eligible for permanent residence due to the same reason. So usefulness of H1-B as back-up is of very limited narure.

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  • snram4
    01-17 12:11 PM
    The response is expected. Unless IV core members support nothing will move. Many similar threads came and go in past. IV is giving critical updates only to Donor members. So only donor members will know what is happening. Others will not know anything and will not have any direction. That may be one of the reason for poor response for these kinds of polls. If majority of the members are donors then that will be effective.
    Count me in as well. This memo is completely discriminatory and will do more harm than good. It is surprising that very few are willing to come forward and fight this abuse. I am sure that there are hundreds of affected members and a collective effort will help us all.


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  • immilaw
    03-14 08:42 AM
    Ok. I agree with everything you say but you still haven't explained why EB-2 China hasn't moved. They never were Unavailable, which means they haven't used their quota but are still retrogressed. Why absolutely no relief for them? Not even a month forward movement?

    Here is my theory and I may be wrong. Until last month China EB-2 was still not U. Maybe over this month (March) the usage of EB-2 China was so high that they were at the verge of U or maybe something like 12/01/2002. So now when the excess EB-2 visas from ROW are getting spilled over to oversubscribed countries, i.e., China and India, both of them are and will be, going forward, moving at the same pace.

    As I said just a theory. Let's wait for a better explanation.

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  • DDash
    07-19 03:22 PM

    I feel privilieged that I have an opportunity to work with the same employer as Aman. I remember talking to him one year back, when he first mentioned retrogression. Like many others, I was naive and thought I dont have to worry about it until 3 or 4 yrs. I have seen him in action, he is the most polite human I have ever came across, who is super soft in his heart but super agressive in his actions. I know that he sold his house to generate 64K to spend for IV.

    He once told me that he likes to socialize with fellow employers, indulge in office politics, etc and be a typical employee, but unfortunately he cannot because he would rather spend that time on IV and build things for IV.

    I know for a fact that, his boss is not all too happy about he dedicating his time to other efforts. But he stands like a pillar to protect our IV community.

    In a nutshell: Here is a man who is willing to give whatever it takes to stand up for what he believe in. We the community should be extremely happy to have people like him and Logiclife.

    I will start my $20 dollar contributions / per month recurring contributions today.


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  • prashanthg
    03-13 11:13 AM
    There are people from EB3 with PDs in late 2001 and 2002 and 2003 who were not able to file I-485 due to the delay at BEC. These numbers excludes them I wonder how many EB3-I applications that would be!

    I am one of those unlucky few...

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  • rustamehind
    07-11 11:19 AM
    "My company lawyer says that we have the option of filing the adjustment of status on our own and company won't support it.Its not about money , its just that they don't want to support filings after the revised July bulletin.
    They are also saying we should wait for October bulletin , but don't want to predict how much the priority dates are going to shift."

    It all adds to more confusion & chaos.The more questions you ask, the more confused you get.:D

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  • ThinkTwice
    07-11 05:08 PM
    Non Bay area members please volunteer to call, inform and encourage IV members to join the rally.
    The Active Bay area chapter members are swamped with other action items.
    Please Help!

    Fellow IVians or IVers. Whichever you prefer:

    You may not be able to attend the San Jose rally but you can still be part of the effort by volunteering to help call the members in California and inform them about this event. You can call even if you are on the East Coast. This is urgent!

    This will help us focus on other logistic issues like banners, posting flyers.
    Your help will make the San Jose peaceful walk a success!

    09-17 01:47 PM
    roll call going on

    OOPS, we need an amendment to change the effective date, Damn.

    09-17 01:48 PM
    I am not seeing any movement in the video. I can just see the American Eagle on the screen? any idea whats going on.. ? ??

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