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  • Indirant
    03-07 08:45 PM
    I have not heard any reply. waiting for repsonse to Ajay's request.

    wallpaper of World War Hulk: X-Men, juggernaut vs hulk. Hercules vs Hulk
  • Hercules vs Hulk

  • Horace Jones
    08-02 09:03 AM
    Unfortunately it seems that others have run into similar situations, where an employer has promised to sponsor an H1 visa and then revoked that promise. Here is an example of a similar situation, where the immigrant party is a speech pathologist in Florida: My employer promised to sponsor me for Green Card and has now withdrawn that offer. I am a Speech Pathologist - Yahoo! Answers (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071203071112AAiWfB1)

    juggernaut vs hulk. juggernaut vs hulk. Hulk vs.
  • juggernaut vs hulk. Hulk vs.

  • BECsufferer
    02-13 06:52 PM
    FYI .. This post is what I received in e-mail few days back.

    I would like to bring to the notice of your readers, editorial committee and leaders of
    the Indian community of a systematic way that (legally) the US Government is practicing
    legal ethnic cleansing of Indians and Chinese and other H-1B visa holders.

    While it is agreeable that the current economic downturn is the worst one has seen.
    It is time to band together with what resources we have and make it thru this perfect
    storm. However, the machinations of a few politicians and the further connivance of the
    USCIS, we are about to see a systematic 'legal ethnic cleansing of Indians and other
    foreign professionals'.

    Leaders of the ethnic Indian community should take up this issue. Leading Indian attorneys
    such as Chugh Firm, Khanna Firm, Sheela Murthy, and leaders like Dr. Romesh Japra and
    Yogi Chugh etc should do something about this with their contacts at the highest levels.

    How is this happening and why is it ethnic cleansing?

    Since 1990's every year several thousands of Indian professionals come to the US. Because of
    delay in processing of their Green Cards a vast majority of them are on H-1B.

    With the current downturn, Sen. Grassley et all have raised such a stink that companies are
    forced to lay off H-1b holders first before they lay off any other US employees. While the US
    employers may not always do this. They are being shamed into revealing how they laid off
    US Citizens before laying off others. Net Net....Indian professionals are being laid off from
    large companies (ofcourse, along with layoffs of US citizens and Green card holders as well).

    Now, having been laid off, H-1b holders are forced to leave the country within 10 days if they
    do not find another job. Now, many are forced to leave the US as they cannot sustain living
    in the US. However, some enterprising few are finding lower paying jobs or are finding so called
    'body shopping companies' to file their H-1b transfer in anticipation of staying around till the
    economy improves and they can find suitable jobs. Here is when the systematic targetting and
    ethnic cleansing is coming to the fore. The USCIS in the past which did not, out of the ordinary
    question such H-1b transfers. is raising Request for Evidence (RFE) from these companies.

    These RFEs are raised in such a way that it is impossible to answer them. They are thus
    not only targetting the H-1b candidates, they are systematically undermining the people
    (companies) who want to help out H-1b candidates out of their predicament of being stranded.

    Imagine living in the US for the past 8 years. Owning a home, then getting in line for the
    Green Card. You are close to getting the green card but because of backlog you only get
    what is called the Employment Authorization Card (EAD). So, you continue to be on H-1b status.
    Then your employer fires you....

    There are two paths here.....Technically, with a EAD card you can get employment anywhere
    with what is called US AC21 Portability.However, AC21 EAD portability comes with the need
    that a person with EAD should have another job with the exact same profile and same salary.
    In this market who is going to give you a job with this exact profile as your old job. The only
    way for a person to stay on 'legally' is to file a backup H-1b.

    Thus a person in the 'last stages' of his green card also actually ends up joining a fresh h-1b
    software professional.

    Now, what will the USCIS do? They will ensure that they find some issue with the RFE response
    provided by the 'body shopping company' and issue a denial of H-1b extension.

    The body shopping companies are trying to be the Raoul Wallenbergs (helping with visa when a
    person is in distress - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raoul_Wallenberg). However, the USCIS will
    ensure that literally hundred thousand Indian and Chinese professionals are kicked out of the
    US. The same professionals who came to US to contribute to its success will now be kicked
    out of US against their wish. The companies who are willing to help them will also be harassed
    in the bargain, some of those companies will be investigated for non-payment of wages, some
    of them will be subjected to USCIS audits for trying to help these helpless people whose lives
    are being uprooted.....I am not in any way saying that lives of US citizens is not being uprooted.
    These are very tough times and there is no reason to pick on the helpless, unrepresented people.

    This is as un-american as it gets. US is famous for its chivalry. Over 5000 lives have been sacrificed
    in Iraq to foster democracy and fairness in that part of the world. This is an un-American as it gets.
    This is a planned lynching and killing of the 'spirit' of the foreign worker who came to US dreaming
    of making it the American dream and participating/contributing to its success.

    What should the USCIS do?

    Given the tough times...They should allow people to stay on in the US as long as another
    employer is willing to keep them in status. They should not question the H-1b applications as
    everyone knows that USCIS can find issues with every single H-1b extension filed right now
    with their respective offices. As someone said - Rejecting a H1b now is like issuing speeding
    tickets at INDY 500. Even the largest companies such as Microsoft and IBM can have their
    H-1b applications rejected by the USCIS with the silliest of excuse.

    What is in it for the USCIS not to do this ethnic cleansing?

    Long term vision for America not just right now. This year the US Embassies in India issued over
    98,000 visas to students from India. These are students who are paying their way thru education
    in the US (a country with the most expensive but best education). If it turns out that US specifically
    targets Indians for 'special h-1b rejection treatment' literally half of them will never aspire to come
    to the US within the next 2 or 3 years.

    Right now the economy is bad, but it will improve: It is a 'perfect storm' right now which is causing
    this downturn. The economy will surely improve in the next few quarters. There will then be new
    sectors of the economy that will boom that will need professionals. There will be enough work by then
    for these H-1b professionals as well as US residents.

    Confident and free people contribute positively:
    If the word spreads that even in bad times this society did not turn on them then the US people
    will be appreciated. But, if the message is, when you are down they will kick you where it
    hurts, then this society will not succeed. Just imagine, there are at least 250,000 (maybe more) people of Indian
    and Asian origin who would end up buying a house if they knew for sure that they could continue
    to live without the fear of being 'ethnically cleansed'. Most Indians and Asians save money and do
    not splurge. Just this measure of confidence will ensure that they will spend money in the US
    economy. Just their contributions will ensure that there is a bump in the housing sector.

    Finally, As they say - "Those who do not learn from history are forced to repeat it". The US
    is perpetrating a betrayal of people who could contribute to its success in the long run. But, what they are
    getting is a form of 'systematic and legally driven ethnic cleansing' - they are being identified and
    driven out of the country which they have loyally served for varying periods of time.....

    God Bless America....God Save America from 'some' of its own people.



    This is called natural correction. Read other posts and you would realize that for last 10 yrs majority of these so called IT programmers didn't even go to proper engineering college. More than half of them weren't even qualified to do the jobs. And than most of them came here and sat on bench, even though their actual jobs were still being searched or finalized. This system was mis-used and abused. Now it's time to pay for it!

    So thank God this is happening and hope USCIS does good job this time.

    2011 Hercules vs Hulk juggernaut vs hulk. Juggernaut
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  • feedfront
    11-08 11:39 AM
    Nope, not yet.
    Congratulations,!! Is your card really green or pollution has some effect on it? ;)


    juggernaut vs hulk. Full power Juggernaut vs Hulk
  • Full power Juggernaut vs Hulk

  • chanduv23
    09-28 11:25 AM
    People are always prejudiced against something. If it is not race or ethnicity, it's country of origin, province of origin, class, gender, faith, or whether you are poor or rich. Even poor people have prejudices against rich people. And people tend to group with people who share their prejudice to fight against those who they are prejudiced against. It just makes life miserable for everybody.

    But at least when the two groups who are against each other are about the same is size, you will feel less pressure. If there are very few foreign professionals working among a largely native population, they will feel a lot of pressure.

    And thats exactly what is happening to us here. All these politicians are providing mere lip service to us and play their vote bank politics.

    This is very much a reason that we need to unite and rise. Our own people have prejudiced opinions among us, like fulltime jobs versus consulting companies. MS degree vs under grad, US educated vs non US educated, and it goes on - the more divided we are, the more issues we face because the community opposing us is higher in number and are voting public.

    If we do not unite and still continue to do things in small numbers, things will not change easily.

    juggernaut vs hulk. the Hulk versus Superman,
  • the Hulk versus Superman,

  • waitnwatch
    07-28 12:50 PM
    Let's get this straight............

    This thread was started by some fake who most probably joined today and has all dates set to 3/24/2005.

    Could you guys please find something better to do than getting all worked up with this FAKE thread.

    Next thing we will see is a thread saying......."I just shook hands with Donald Duck" and we will start investigating the characters immigrant status, ethnicity and religious leanings.

    GOOD LUCK:rolleyes:


    juggernaut vs hulk. Sax Mugen: The Hulk vs.
  • Sax Mugen: The Hulk vs.

  • qesehmk
    02-12 02:31 PM
    We still have 7 months left for FY2010, so only assertion that there will be EB visa unused is only a "theory" at best.

    I agree. He has not backed his claim on that thread as well. Someone has posted a question in that thread regarding source of the spillover. The author of the blog responded with legal statute that explains how unused numbers of FB & EB from previous years are used for next year. But no link to justify 13,000 number.

    A fact in itself is nothing. It is valuable only for the idea attached to it, or for the proof which it furnishes. - Claude Bernard

    I know you lawyers can, with ease, twist words and meanings as you please. - John Gay

    Not a legal advice.

    I am the one who asked him that question. And you can see he doesn't have any proof.

    2010 juggernaut vs hulk. Hulk vs. juggernaut vs hulk. vs Who takes this,
  • vs Who takes this,

  • natrajs
    07-07 09:54 PM
    Today I have received my GC approval email. Dependants approval is awaited. I am in this country from Jan 2001. Good luck to all.

    No LUD till final approval. Last LUD on I-485 on August 2007 on finger print day. Last week I did call Nebraska by POJ method and speak with IO. She told me my file is off the shelf and in line for adjudication. I think EAD filing on June last week did the trick. (file taken from the USCIS's never ending shelf).

    Congrats & Best Wishes

    Finally the good news


    juggernaut vs hulk. The New Marvel VS Capcom 2
  • The New Marvel VS Capcom 2

  • nojoke
    09-18 11:12 AM
    Economy is falling, people are losing jobs, fuel prices are rising, depressing is coming, housing market is going down. Look at the brighter side, if you invest in constructing industry building apartments you can make money now.

    Jokes apart, what were the people smarter than me and you doing to prevent all this from happening?. Weren;t they smart enough then?.

    Those smart people are not in charge. The people in charge were saying everything is fine and go do shopping

    hair Juggernaut juggernaut vs hulk. juggernaut vs hulk.
  • juggernaut vs hulk.

  • pappu
    12-27 10:02 PM
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Permanent_Resident_Card#Other_Immigr ation_Sites

    for some reason these people delete our links whenever we put it. In the past I spent a lot of time to go on each of these diff pages related to immigration, greencard, indian americans , chineese americans etc and inserted IV links in their content as well as external links but everytime the editors have deleted them. Dont know why? maybe I dont know much about wikipedia and how it works.

    thanks for the initiative, go_gc_way. and thanks to all those that helped in this effort. Pls. continue to help spread the message on various sites.


    juggernaut vs hulk. Hulk vs. Juggernaut IV-
  • Hulk vs. Juggernaut IV-

  • GCKaIntezar
    02-20 08:39 PM
    Durga Temple Plan for Sunday 2/26

    Vineet and I chated today and he confirmed our appointment at Durga Temple in South Brunswick. Please reply to this message and confirm that you will be coming in. The tentative time to reach and setup the table is between 4:00-4:30pm.

    So far I have me and Vineet coming in. We need atleast 3 more to join us in this drive.

    I left you a voice mail on this also.


    hot Full power Juggernaut vs Hulk juggernaut vs hulk. Technically the Juggernaut
  • Technically the Juggernaut

  • ras
    07-12 11:38 AM
    am still unclear. Does it mean those who have PD prior to Jun 06 will get their GC? I cant believe it.

    At the personal end, I have my GC filed with Dec 06 PD. However, I have a previous I140 approved with Sept 05. I was thinking about porting the priority date. If I port it now will I get my GC based on the previous priority date?

    Ofcourse I dont intend to port it at this point of time because am planning to get married in another 3-4months. so can you guys let me know what would be the best approach. Is it porting the previous priority date now or wait till getting married and then port it? In such case will the spouse be eligible to file for 485 when it is current. am confused.


    house Movie Juggernaut vs Movie Hulk juggernaut vs hulk. Tags: hulk, marvel, olivetti,
  • Tags: hulk, marvel, olivetti,

  • ramus
    07-02 06:13 PM
    Why we just have $300 contribution so far when we have 1500 members online.. Lets put this thred in every thread..

    Pappu, can we put this thread on home page..

    tattoo the Hulk versus Superman, juggernaut vs hulk. Marvel vs. Capcom 2: Hulk vs.
  • Marvel vs. Capcom 2: Hulk vs.

  • nixstor
    07-03 12:38 PM
    There have been cases of folks using L1 A Visa. Big outsourcing companies (US & Indian- Does not matter) routinely file for L1 A (intra company transferee - Managerial) when the person is clearly not performing managerial job. Once on L1 A, folks can file for EB1 and get a GC very soon as it is mostly current. I have seen cases in the past like this. I do not know the status now, as DOL is coming down heavily with audits on PERM applicants. This is one area where only deserving people need to be awarded. This post is not to blame anyone, but people do use this Grey area I suppose to their benefit.

    AFAIK, this does not work for people who are already in the US. One has to work in their native or different county to be eligible for the EB1 managerial position here. Some one might have sneaked away this way at some time. But this is definitely not happening on a large scale as EB1 is current for all countries for quite some time. If a lot of folks are getting away, EB1 cannot be current for long time.


    pictures Sax Mugen: The Hulk vs. juggernaut vs hulk. Thing vs Juggernaut cover by
  • Thing vs Juggernaut cover by

  • Aah_GC
    04-25 10:33 AM
    Am just curious to know how many of you (approved ones) used AC21 portability and if there were any ramifications. Would be great to know what the experience was and can help the rest of us.

    dresses Technically the Juggernaut juggernaut vs hulk. juggernaut vs hulk. juggernaut
  • juggernaut vs hulk. juggernaut

  • pitha
    01-28 09:39 AM
    The original intent of country caps was to prevent one single country from monopolizing the immigration (but this was regular unskilled immigration like family based immigration etc). But when it comes to skill based immigration it is ridiculous to maintain country caps. Everybody including the US government, USCIS and industry know that country caps in skilled category are ridiculous. That is why in H1B they don�t enforce the country caps. Because if they enforce the country caps in H1b the whole H1 program will collapse. I know the difference between h1 and green cards but when you bring people into US on H1 without country caps they should not enforce country caps on H1 to green cards skilled category. The people who are oppose immigration are using this(the country cap or rather quota) as an excuse to make things worse for immigrantion.


    makeup The New Marvel VS Capcom 2 juggernaut vs hulk. Movie Juggernaut vs Movie Hulk
  • Movie Juggernaut vs Movie Hulk

  • gk_2000
    05-23 03:51 PM
    Yes you suffer from inferiority complex !

    And rightly so, I may add :D :p

    girlfriend Marvel vs. Capcom 2: Hulk vs. juggernaut vs hulk. Red Hulk and Juggernaut vs
  • Red Hulk and Juggernaut vs

  • suresh.emails
    01-21 02:41 PM
    No more crossing into USA just based on saying you are a Citizen (oral declaration).

    Starting from January 31, 2008 (two weeks from now), all citizens must carry passport or other kinds of acceptable ID's to enter into US border. This is also applicable US and Canadian citizen.

    Following are acceptable documents/ID's for US/Canada citizens ages 19 and older.

    1. USA, Canada passports
    2. US passport card (available in the spring)
    3. Trusted traveler card such as NEXUS, SENTRI or FAST
    4. Secure driver's license
    5. US military ID
    6. US Merchant Mariner document
    7. One of several IDs issued to Native Americans

    So, proof of citizenship will be required for entry.

    As usual, all other citizen must carry all required documents.

    Source: USA Today January 18, 2008 news paper 3A page.

    hairstyles Hulk vs. Juggernaut IV- juggernaut vs hulk. X-Men vs Juggernaut
  • X-Men vs Juggernaut

  • GCard_Dream
    12-13 01:18 PM
    I am sure this topic will come up again and again when new members join. We recently had quite a few (over a thousand) new members join IV and as the word gets around, there will be even more interest in IV and new members/non-members will visit the site and ask questions. I don't think we should expect everyone (new or old members) to know everything that was discussed in this forum from day one. That's not practical.

    Every few days I see a new thread that is asking for information on how to change from EB3 to EB2. There are literally hundred or so threads that talks about this issue yet still new threads pop up regularly asking the same info. This is bound to happen and can't be stopped.

    If you know that a topic has been covered somewhere, making a link available would be very helpful. If you think that a certain topic is brought up on a regular basis, may be we should make that thread sticky or have that information on homepage or somewhere where it's easily accessible.

    We can always argue that members can do their own search on the forum. While that's true, if we know the answer and can quickly make that available to members, I think we'll be doing a service to our members. Just a thought.

    All , this subject has been raised very often and every time new members join in they start a thread and start questioning it.

    - IV has indepth explored and studied this option and have found that this change is not possible administratively.
    - we have not just met a lawyer. we have met few lawyers. we also have communicated with USCIS in the past.
    - In the past some administrative changes have been done by USCIS, but this change cannot be done by them. All, we already had this idea long long ago and we also thought that why dont we do it if it so simple and then we dont have to go through all the legislative hurdles. But NO it cannot be done by USCIS.
    - Faxing USCIS will not work. USCIS does not take policy decisions. We need to approach policy makers to get it done and that is what we are doing. By coming up with ideas, endlessly discussing despite explaination by IV and not working with IV action items we will all go in divergent directions and lose focus on the main action items we want each every member should focus. If you really feel for some idea and want to help, instead of asking IV to give explanation to every question on the forum, contact any of the active IV core members on the forum and bounce ideas. We need people with ideas and also same people willing to work on them too.
    - If it was possible to get it done administratively, then in the current Skil bill push we would have/ and lawmakers would also have just asked USCIS to implement it.

    Hope this explains this topic. Thanks

    06-06 05:13 PM
    Mine is so similar to yours !! Jan 27 instead of Jan 29 and July 2 instead of Jul 13. VA instead of OH. Hope mine will get cleared soon. But God only knows when. :)

    Mine is similar to you case, PD- Jan 23 2004, RD July 23 2007, ND Aug 24 2008

    Do feel they go by processing times striclty?

    07-17 10:26 AM
    One of their fax letters is below, which is a complete mis-representation of truth - look at point #2.

    Please post URL

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