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  • mirage
    03-11 06:26 PM
    You made an extremely important and valid point here...
    Such an escalated tone has been established due to various reasons, based on the fact that there is documented evidence of some abuse. It is not to scare every h1b visa holder.

    See - people are writing so many posts their their friend is having trouble in h1b , friends friend is having trouble in POE etc... but none of them are original posts. Just look around yourself and your friends - check to see if anyone really got screwed (genuine folks) - there may be some people who got additional grilling and that's it.

    People are still traveling everyday and getting stamping and no issues at POE.

    Like I said earlier "unless you set the ass on fire those who abuse will not straighten themselves" - greed overtakes any good forward thought.

    Senators are not your own country senators and we cannot influence their thoughts or feel bad about what they think about h1b visa. All we do is make a case for ourselves that we are genuine and really interested in following the system.

    AFAIK every h1b and GC case has been dealt with on a case to case basis and people who have really followed rules did not have much issues - we continue to follow the system because we believe in it.

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  • sivaramakrishna
    07-21 04:26 PM
    E-filed:May 27th
    FP:18th June(LUD same day)

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  • inskrish
    01-15 11:44 PM

    Sent letters to WH and IV. Besides, I printed 100 copies of the original template and kept them in an Indian grocery store, with the permission from the store owner, although it took a long time to explain our situation to the owner of the shop.


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  • Guig0
    02-03 10:42 AM
    You voted for me?? :beam:

    you�re the best! :P

    did i mentioned you have the best footer? ;)

    thanks man, you made one kirupian happy =)


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  • jsb
    12-19 09:05 AM
    If I try to use my AC21 then does title matter?

    new offer has a title of "Lead software engineer".Current position is "Systems

    USCIS is not just working on technical people; and they themselves are not technical people. Therefore, just try to have description of new job as close to the original description in LC, as possible (use same words). It is a subjective area. Both titles point out that you are some sort of software engineer, so, I belive, it should be ok. Try to avoid "managing" or "suprervising" in your new job description if it was not in the original description.

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  • jxm0020
    01-28 02:06 PM
    Letter sent to President


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  • buddyinus
    08-01 12:47 PM
    Everybody is checking LUDs on their approved 140s. What doz this mean? And how do I check it? Pls send me step by step information...Thanks

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  • another one
    07-10 10:10 AM
    You can sue this guy successfully there is no doubt, but you should have guts to do.

    Most people just have guts to rant here. They won't take flowers to USCIS office or even put some feedback comments on CNN website. Sad but true.


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  • insbaby
    08-07 06:59 PM
    Even if I back date my marriage (as advised) , How can I get my future wife to USA?. I cannot get her on depend status as my H1-B (I believe) got canceled on approval of GC.

    Never think of such practice.

    You have two good news at hand, but you are unable to enjoy it.

    Follow what is legal and enjoy your life.

    Its very disappointing to see a "Highly Skilled Professional" suggesting to doctor a record that contains an important event in ones life to get a piece of plastic card.

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  • aroranuj
    04-16 12:28 PM
    Can anyone please give any advise/ideas on how to deal with this?


    Hello All,

    I have just received a copy of the denial notice that USCIS sent to the attorney for my I-140. This is what the notice states is the reason for the denial. Can someone please advise me what my chances are for an appeal to be approved? My lawyer is noncommittal at this this time. My I140 was filed under the EB3 Category. My 6th year of H1B expires in June.

    "A Bachelor's degree is generallt found to require 4 years of education. Therefore, the beneficiary's 3 year diploma is not equivalent to a 4 year bachelors degree which is the minimum educational requirement to be classified as a professional on this labor certificate.

    Under part H Number 4 of the Labor Certificate, the petitoner has checked the box "Other" under education. Under part 4-A the petitioner stated: 'Will accept academic studies evaluated as equivalent of US Bachelors'. The evaluation submitted indiactes that the beneficiary has the foreign equivalent of a US Bachelor of Science.

    However this statement cannot infer that the petitioner will accept anything less than the minimum education requirements for a professional, i.e Bachelors degree. The evidence indicates that the beneficiary does not have a bachelors degree or foreign equivalent degree. Therefore, the beneficiary does not meet the minimum requirements of the ETA-9089"

    Please note that I have a 3 year diploma & 1 year towards Bachelors in business & this case was files at the Texas Center. Any insights from knowledgeable members will be helpful.


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  • Sakthisagar
    07-29 03:01 PM
    Actually the Formula is like this.

    search for More Legal Voters who is in favour= no one..

    Is there any way? Yes We can


    Yes We can.

    Give Amnesty= 12 Million voters.
    so in America.

    Immigration="ILLEGALS" only, they dont care for Legals

    Legal=no votes, if at all only after 5 years from now.

    Legal= no political voice, can be manipulated whichever way Politicians want.

    to be Learned Story.

    NEVER EVER BELIEVE POLITICIANs IN LIFE, You Can believe a Criminal he might be Truthful but these Poltricksians. nope nope nope.

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  • rssb
    01-26 07:02 AM
    Politics of a region / state has nothing to do with this discussion. The school which got shutdown did not have 100% students from one region or country.

    FYI All the Hawla, Bofors, Fodder scams, 2G scam did not even occur from the mentioned one state alone !

    The state has / had best IIT coaching facilities ( you call it a manufacturing shop, I don't care). Which produced lot of good engineers, who genuine have completed their education in this country and added value here.

    It is unfortunate that some people knew what they were doing and others were frustrated with long wait (esp H4's who have been waiting for ever in the retrogression even though their spouses had approved 140's for years) and were told to pursue a shady option saying it was legal by scrupulous body shops wanting to make money. A spouse from no other country other than India and China has to wait this long to EAD, even all the spouses of substitute labor are working on EAD's.

    Dont make a blanket statement about corruption, every region has its problems. Even in this country money from recovered from freezers of politicians. Corrupt & Dishonest people exist every place.


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  • techysingh
    02-03 09:36 AM
    not yet

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  • dpp
    07-19 02:48 PM
    But how do one become out of status?

    One way is, if he/she didn't apply for extension, thats the only way. Otherthan that pay stubs, job, bench, these will not make anybody out of status. These are all trash.

    As long as the employer/employee relationship exists, nobody can't do anything. This is for sure.

    Let me correct it.. I read somewhere that it is considered not a major problem if some one is out of status for less than 180 days cumulatively.


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  • gmatch
    12-13 03:56 PM
    It is not that i have full basket of apples now... my previous 2-employers promised me to start labor...but they did not do it..even i sent my docs 2-times to the previous employer ..but they gave lie assurances & very dumb...so i have lost my 2.5 years just waiting on their promises...& nothing got.

    Finally, I made up my mind ...either to get it on fast track OR leave this option... forever.

    I don't see anything wrong in it...as the previous person already left that labor unused... & employer needs those skills..which he found in me.

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  • blacktongue
    05-11 11:20 AM
    I sincere hope Dream act pass. Illegal kids suffer more. Our suffer less. Parents made mistake. Why they pay?


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  • eb3_nepa
    06-05 01:56 PM
    Since the H-1 will be cancelled by the previous employer, the answer is No.

    I am more curious to know if you can use the EAD in conjunction with the H1B (working 2 jobs 1 on H1B and one on EAD).

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  • nlssubbu
    03-16 05:28 PM
    Does that means that the existing backlog will be cleared fast?

    Specter agreed this morning with Kennedy's approach, provided that these illegal immigrants would not be able to start legalization proceedings until the backlog of 3 million people now waiting in countries around the world for their chance to come to the United States legally get their green cards.

    Any comments or thoughts on this is highly appreciated.


    __________________________________________________ ______________
    India - EB3 - Priority Date 07/16/2001

    I-140 Applied 07/30/2004 - RFE (Labor Substitue) - 06/27/2005 Replied 10/19/2005 Approved 11/02/2005
    I-485 Applied 12/01/2004 - FP done on 1/8/2005 - Approval ??
    1st EAD - Applied 12/01/2004 - RFE (Color photo Myself & Daughter) - 2/7/05 Replied 2/18/05 Approved 03/02/05
    1st AP - Applied 12/01/2004 - RFE (Color Photo Myself & Daughter) - 2/7/05 Replied 2/18/05 Approved 03/02/05
    2nd EAD - Applied 11/02/2005 - Approved 12/02/2005
    2nd AP - Applied 11/02/2005 - Approved 12/20/2005

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  • prioritydate
    08-21 12:06 AM

    I got a CPO email today.

    PD : 12/23/2004
    RD : 07/26/2007

    02-20 11:28 PM

    Today I got a call from an officer in "immigration and customs enforcement" asking for an appointment to visit my residence for checing my immigration status.
    I am on H1B visa.

    I would appreciate if someone could give any sort of information related to calling for a home visit.


    06-23 02:08 PM
    Brahmam and Company -

    This is the height of Frugality sir :eek: . Contribute something to this society instead looting(??) everything from here and wiring to Bank of India or whatever:p .There should be a limit to this nonsense questions to be posted for Members to Read and Answer. Please grow up in life.Few Dollars here and there will not make this World upside down nor will it buy huge real estate lands in your Place. Also, buy Trash-bags for throwing Trash instead of use Walmart plastic to throw into Dumpsters.Some in my Apts do that all the time inspite of Property Managers advising against doing it.you fall in this Category.

    To answer your Question, Walmart is the cheapest for anything .Period.Why?? Please see this Documentary 'Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price '.

    I'll give you the last call to burn your ego.:cool:

    - Shalom

    1 100 % agree with you! Some people on this forum are so darn cheap, that really infuriates me sometimes. What are a few bucks, even a few hundreds or thousands compared to the benefits of getting a GC?
    Anyway...do you have the link to that WalMart story?

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